298 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659.
P. C. R.
thence East Sowth East to a marked white Oak standing neare the
Path, goeing to Thomas Philip's.
And allso Wee doe allott to the sd heyre all th' parcell of Wood
land Grownd from the aforesd marked Oake of Doctor Barber on
the Bay side downe to the mouth of the Deepe Swamp, Soe running
up tht Branch into the woods.
p. 261
And wee doe allso allott Mr Walter Hall Guardian to the sd
Heyre conuenient space for the striking his Tob. in the Doctors Tob-
howse. And allso Wee doe allott the sd Doctor till the last of Aprill
1660 time to remoue his share of all the fruite Trees, Wch is a
Moity of them, & to choose the first Tree.
Wittnes or hands & Scales this 22th March 1658.
Nicholas Gwyther Sheriff
John + Medley
John Jarbo
George Reynolds
John $ Shertcliffe
John W Warren
Thomas T Philips
Willm W Browne
Peter P. Mills
Willm O Styles
Robert R Shale
Roger I sham
Christopher G Goodaere
Memorandm whereas in the Returne of this writt of Partition in
the first & second clause is putt Randolph Reuell & James Johnson,
It is to be understood Walter Beane (instead of Randolph Reuell) &
James Johnson.
Whereas Luke Barber Esqr did att the Partition of the Land be-
tweene him & Walter Hall as Gwardian to yowng Henry ffox, prom-
ise to make the sd Land reatch soe far as a place called the Deepe
Swamp, in case by the Patent or Graunt itt did not extend soe far ;
Prouided the sd Luke Barber had allowed him for his share soe
much of the cleared grownd as the sd ffox had allowed him for his,
And now by the Partition not hauing soe much cleared Land as
aforesd, Doth in open Court declare tht hee will not now performe or
stand to tht former promise to the sd Walter Hall, for the reason
aforesd, And if soe bee the sd Walter Hall doth find himselfe ag-
greiued thereat, Hee may if hee please haue a Repartition, Otherwise
the sd Luke Barber is contented, & willing to stand to what the Jury
hath allready done.
Sowth v.
Whereas att a County Court held att Capt Thomas Bradnox
howse on the Isle of Kent, the 20th day of July 1658, John Salter
arrested to th( Court Thomas Sowth, & obteyned Order & Judgmt
agst the sd Sowth Concerning a Plantaon Called Beauer Neck on the
p. 262
sd Isle of Kent, wch the sd Sowth deteyned from him, And whereas
att the sd Court It was Ordered by the Commisrs of tht County Court
tht the sd Thomas Sowth shall pay to the sd Salter 5444l Tob damages,