Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659. 297
the foresd Cornelius as by the seuerall deeds, & assigmts formerly
Recorded, to eyther of them doth more att large Appeare.
Josias ffendall.
And the finall Concord betweene the sd parties is, That the sd
parcell of Land as aforesd, wth all the dwelling howses, Tob bowses
& other Edifices whatsoeur, gardens, orchards scituate & being in
Resurrection Mannor in Caluert County aforesd be conueyed to him
the sd Thomas Belcher, & the same to enioy, to him, his heyres, &
assignes for eur.
P. C. R.
Whereas att a Court held 60 Octobr last 1658, It was Ordered tht
the Land belonging to Capt Willm Lewis, in Nangemy Creek be ex-
tended soe far forth as it will goe to pay the Credrs, And tht all the
Credrs bringing in their claymes, bee the Appraysors of the sd Land
soe to bee extended, And whereas the Credrs att this Court haue
petitioned tht the sd Land bee forthwth extended & appraysed, & tht
Mr Prescott haue the refusall of the sd Land, after the sd Extent be
layd thereon.
It is Ordered according to the Credrs request tht the sd Land be
Appraysed And tht the Sheriffe in tht behalfe bee impowred to ad-
mister oath & sweare the Appraysors thereof.
The writt
Extent. Cascilius &c: To the Sheriffe of Charles County Greet-
ing. Wee Command you &c: mutatis mutandis, ut supra writt Extent
fol. 218.
Re Lewis's
p. 260
Vid. fol. 107
& fol. 318
Wee the Jury being all Agreed, & according to a writt of Partition
from the honble Josias ffendall Esqr Gour &c: dat 2o Martij 1658,
Doe Returne or Verdict as followeth, (Viz) Wee doe allott unto Dr
Luke Barber Esqr That parcell of cleared Grownd, wth the appur-
tenances Lying next his now dwelling howse from a marked Dead
Oake, standing a little below ffoxes Poynt, Sowth East into the
woods, commonly called the Deuiding Lyne of Ranolph Reuell &
James Johnson in a right Lyne to a small Gumme Tree.
Wee doe allso allott unto the Heyre of Henry ffoxe all tht parcell
of cleared Grownd wth the appurtenances beginning att the fore-
mentioned Dead Oake a little below ffoxe's Poynt, soe running
downe the Bay to the mouth of the Spring-Branch: from thence to
the sd Spring, wch wee equally deuide betweene them the sd Doctor, &
the Heyre, ffrom thence to the head of the Spring Branch Sowth East
& by East, to a marked Cedar standing neare the path to Poplar-Hill
in the sd Lyne of Randolph Reuell & James Johnson.
And wee allso doe allott to Doctor Barber one parcell of Wood-
land Grownd, beginning att the Mouth of the Spring Branch running
downe the Bay to a marked Oake standing on the Bay side, ffrom
Vid. Writt
fol. 212