P. C. R.
make Oath of ffidelity to his Lp, as is prouided for by Act of As-
sembly of this Prouince hauing thereby made himselfe uncapable
of holding any Land of his Lp, & not able to giue the sd Web assur-
ance of the sd Land, of whom he hath receiued paymt, as is afore
shewen. And whereas the sd Land, is since (through the sd Larkins
default) graunted away to Edward Cox. It is therefore Ordered tht
the sd John Larkin repay back to the sd Edmund Web one Thowsand
pownds of Tob & Cask, whenas noe assurance hath bene guy en to the
sd Web of the sd Land, by the sd Larkin. Hee hauing not complyed
wth the Condicons of Plantaon whereby any Land wth in this prou-
Parrott v.
Whereas Willm Parrott hath petitioned the Court for reparaon in
his credit, agst Alice Brasse, Shewing how tht the sd Brasse being his
seruant, & hee correcting her, scandalously reported how her sd
Master had broake Two of her ribbs, & tht if shee dyed wth in a
twelue month shee would lay her death to him, &c :
Capt Sampson waring sayth, tht being att Mr Stanleys, Mr Stanley
requested him & James Veitch, & Mr Willm Coursey, to goe in & see
his seruant hee had bought of Mr Parrott, And shee seemed then to
bee lame & sayd tht if shee dyed, Mr Parrott was the occasion of her
Death by unreasonably beating her wth a great stick. And that shee
thought tht hee had broken one or Two of her ribbs, And this Depont
sayth tht shee then att tht time lay, as if shee were dying, but the next
morning shee went about her business in dressing Victualls, & right-
ing up the howse.
James Veitch Jurat idem uerbatim quod Capt Waring, Anne
Neuell sayth tht Veiwing Anne Brasse & searching her, shee fownd
her all black & blew ouer one of her shoulders & ouer the back &
sweld downe the back.
Mr Stanley informeth the Court, tht it was a fortnight or three
weekes after Anne Neuell searched her, from the time Mr Parrott
beate her & tht it was wth a stick, as big as her little finger, & tht shee
still complaines of the payne in her back.
The Judgmt of the Court is There appeares noe cause of Accon &
both parties dismissed.
Belcher v.
Caluert County. Command John Cornelius & Elionor his Wife to
hold plea to Thomas Belcher of Caluert County in an accon of
Couent of a parcell of Land being part or parcell of the Resurrection
Manner in Caluert County aforesd, formerly conueyed, or sold to
Cornelius Kennde by Thomas Cornewaleys Esqr of the Crosse in the
County of St Maries, & by him to John Knap, & by the sd Knap, to