P. C. R.
Whereas Mr John Pille plf hath formerly arrested & sued Walter
Hall deft, in the County Court of St Maries County held att New
Towne on the first day of ffeb: 1658, in an accon of Debt of 977l
Tob & Cask, Wch sd Cause was before the Comisrs of tht County
then heard & Respited till the next County Court, And whereas att
the next Court on the 22th of Aprill following Mr Walter Hall ap-
pealed to the next Prouinciall Court for this Prouince, Wch was by
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the Commisrs then pent in Court graunted, & Ordered tht the sd
Walter Hall put in sufficient security for his appearance att the next
Prouinciall Court, & pay dowble Costs & Damages in case hee bee
cast in tht sd suite, (as by the order of tht County Court aforesd may
appeare) And thereuppon the sd Mr Pille hath petitioned this Court
for his foresd Debt, Mr Hall deft sayth tht hee made a Couent wth the
plf to be his Ouerseer & take care of his seruants for some certaine
time; & was to haue the benefitt of the plfs Plantaon during tht time,
But the plf sold the Plantaon before the time exspyred by Condicon,
contrary to the clefts will or knowledge, much to his dammage &
The Deposn of Willm Waynhames aged 20 yeares
Sworne in open Court, po ffeb. 1658. Sayth That Mr Hall sayd
to this Depont, hee would see the sweet sented Tob hangd before hee
would plant any more of it, for it would undoe him, And his intention
was, as this Depont uerily beleiueth to plant noe more of it. Mr
Pille being in discourse wth John Greenwell, the sd Greenwell asked
Mr Pille, If hee would lett him haue his Plantaon wth all his heart?
Answered noe, wthout Mr Halls consent, And Mr Hall being asked,
sayd, It was his will it should be sold wth all his heart, for he would
not be against it. Mr Hall allso went out of the howse when posses-
sion was gyuen. Mr Hall being in the upper part of the feild neare
the Thacht' Tob howse, was asked by this Depont whither the Corne
was his ? Answered it was his Masters, hee had nothing to doe wth it.
And the Allegaons of both parties being heard & fully considered
by the Court, And tht the Plantaon was sold wth the defts consent, as
appeareth by Waynhams Oath, perused & read, The Judgmt of the
Court is, tht the plf ought to recouer his Tob. according to Couent
It is therefore Ordered by the Court tht Mr Walter Hall deft pay
unto Mr John Pille plf Nine hundd seauenty seauen pownds of Tob &
Cask, wth dowble damages & Costs of suite according to the former
Order of the County Court.