Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659. 291
summes of Tob to him due for ffees & dyett, since the Engagemt att
Anarundell & whereas the sd Tob hath bene seuerall times demanded,
& not yett payd or satis fyed, hee being meerely on tht account out of
purse 4000l Tob, or thereabouts, ouer & aboue his dayly care &
trouble, Besides for satisfaction of his Charges, & like trouble since
arysing, by mennes & account of the Quakers, much to his hinder-
ance. It is Ordered tht his Petn be Respited. And tht hee shew and
procure the Order or Writt, whereby the parties were committed,
& summone in the parties by him Charged, as in his Petn to the next,
or the next Prouinciall Court after, as hee shall see cause.
p. 254
Whereas Capt Willm Euans Adrnistrator of the Estate of Capt
John Bariffe tooke out writt of Scire facias agst John Mackenny, to
shew Cause &c: for 400l Tob, And the sd writt being serued, & the
sd Mackenny therby lawfully summoned. Yett not appearing eyther
by himselfe or Attorney att this Court.
It is ordered tht the plf haue Exeqn according to the writt & former
Order of Court.
Evans v.
Vid. ent.
fol. 217
Know all men by these pents tht I Arthure Turner of Charles
County gentn haue assigned, ordayned & made, & doe by these pents
in my stead and roome putt, constitute, & appoynt my true & wel-
beloued ffreind George Thompson of the sd County, my true & law-
full Attorney in the suite now depending betweene Lucie Stratton,
& mee the sd Turner. Gyuing & by these pents graunting unto my sd
Attorney full power & authority in the premises to doe, say,
peforme, conclude & finish for mee & in my name, & to my use &
behoofe to doe, say, or cause to be done & sayd all & euery such Act
& Acts, thing & things, deuice & deuices in the Law whatsoeue for
the defence of my cause, & the recouery of my charges soe mali-
ciously throwne uppon mee, Ratifying & allowing & holding firme &
stable all & whatsoeue my sd Attorney shall lawfully doe, or cause
to bee done, in or about the premises by uertue of these pents. In
wittnes whereof wittnes this my hand this 15th of Aprill Ano 1659.
Wittnes Arth Turner
Willm Waring.
This Case following wth all the Deposns as they are here inserted is
thus sent up by George Thompson Cler of Charles County Court
unto this Prouinciall Court.
Whereas there was a Court held in Charles County the 6th of
January 1658 to wch Court Lucie Stratton arrested Mr Arthure
Turner, in an accon of the Case. Wch Case shee then expownded to
bee, for the mayntenance of a Child by him of her begotten, as shee
alleageth, ffor wch Case (after tht they had troubled the Court) the
deft craued a Jury, wch being then not to be fownd, was by the
consent of both peties referred unto the next Court to bee held for
Stratton v.