th{ yoe Pete had of the sd Owens, was uery much diseased wth the
POX, Commonly called the ffrench Pox, & uery unable to doe yor Petr
seruice in his lawfull imploymt, Being allmost consumed wth the sd
disease, & was uery burthensome & chargeable unto yor Petr, neare
about six or seauen months; wch was all the time shee lyued wth yor
Petr, Hee hauing often demanded of the sd Owens satisfaction for
the dammage yor Petr susteyned & suffered by the sd Owens non
peformance according to agreemt wch the sd Owens will not in any
kind allow or peforme to yor Petr.
The premises Considered yor Petr humbly craueth this honbte
Court seriously to weigh & consider, the great iniury & dammage yoe
Petr hath susteyned & suffered by the injurious dealings of the foresd
Owens & tht yor honrs would be pleased to graunt Order, tht the sd
Owens shall peforme his bargaine & agreemt according to promise
unto yor Petr & to pay all such dammage & Charge as yor Petr is
able to make appeare to yor honrs hee hath bene damnifyed, Wch yor
Petr shall willingly referre to yor honrs wisdome, as in Justice &
according to Equity & good Conscience you shall finde iust cause,
& as in duty bownd shall euer pray &c :
The Deposn of Anne Hinson aged 44 yeares or thereabouts sworne
this 2d of January 1657 Examined sayth.
That this Depont was att the howse of Joseph Wicks a few dayes
after he brought home a woman seruant, tht the sd Wicks had bought
as hee told mee of Mr Richard Owens. And the sd seruant com-
playned to this Dept & sayd shee was uery sick & ill, & scare in her
boanes, & in her head & neck, & all ouer her body, & tht shee could
not well turne her selfe, & would haue shewed herself e, or parts of
her body tht was soare, & this Depont told her, tht shee did beleiue it
might bee some cold tht shee had taken, & did not looke uppon her
soares att tht time, But shortly after this Depont was att the sd Wicks
howse, to speake wth Richard Mores, Att wch time the sd serut com-
playned againe to this Depont & sayd shee was uery ill & soare, tht
shee hardly lift her armes to her head, And in a little time after the sd
Wicks was gone to the manathos wth the sd Moores, this Depont was
wth her againe, goeing to Mr Wards howse, And the sayd serut went
as if it were exceeding paynfull to her to goe one step, And after this
Depont came to the sd Wickes howse shee demanded of Nicholas
Bradaway what aylded the mayde, for shee mett her goeing towards
Mr Wards: & shee went as if shee were not able to goe, And hee
answered hee did not know, what a pox shee ayled, for hee thought
they should bee all poysoned wth her, & in a little time after Mr
Ward & his Wife brought her home, & Mrs Ward called mee out of
P. C. R.