v. Jaruise
Whereas att the last Prouinciall Court held att St Maries 3d of
March last, The plf then Petitioned & requested to be possessed wth
a Serut, belonging to the deft, on the behalfe of her Children, & under
attatchmt, for a Debt due unto the sd Children from the deft, as
appeares uppon the Records of this Prouince And whereas by thl
Order aforesd the Attatchmt was continued, & the Petr Ordered to
bring Certificate to this Court tht the deft had notice gyuen him of the
sd Attatchmt, Wch the plf is not able to declare or say that hee had.
Yett the Board being certifyed tht some Inhabts here, had desyred
certaine liuers, neare Neighboes to the deft, to certify him thereof,
to the end he might haue notice, & giue his attendance att this Court,
if hee should see cause therefore. Who not appearing eyther by
himselfe or Attorney.
It is therefore Ordered, tht the plf shall haue the seruant soe
attatched putt into her Custody; & him to keepe till the last day of
Nouember next, Vnlesse the deft come afore tht time, & make proofe
tht the plf hath iniured him in her foresd demand. And if he ap-
peares not afore or att the sd prefixed time, then the plf to haue
Judgment, uppon default, for the residue of the sd seruants time,
And ffurther tht the plf use all ordinary dilligence to giue the deft
notice of this Order.
Wickes v.
To the honble Capt Josias ffendall Esqr Gour of the Prouince of
Maryland, & his honble Councell
The humble Petn of Joseph Wicks, Sheweth That in ffebruary in
the yeare (55) yor Petr agreed wth Mr Richard Owens for a mayd
seruant, ffor wch yor Petr was to pay unto the sd Owens Two thou-
sand Three hundd pownds of good Tob in Cask, Wch paymt was
well & truly performed unto the sd Owens by yor Petr, ffor wch foresd