P. C. R.
Wards Wife told this Depont tht there should bee some sodeine
course taken wt her for her cure or ells should rott away aliue, &
infeckt all the howshold, And this Depont called the sd Serut in
priuate & searched her. And I found tht shee was in a uery loath-
some & perishing condicon. And I aduised the foresd Bradaway, to
gett Mr Ward to lett her blood, & giue her physick, Wch was pef ormed
by the sd Ward unto her, Wch physick accorded to the directions of
the sd.Ward was gyuen to her by this Depont after the sd Wickes
seruants or Bradaway brought her downe unto this Deponts howse in
a Canooe; shee not being att tht time able to goe. And wthin two or
three dayes after shee was brought to this Deponts howse, I went wth
the sd Bradaway unto Capt Willm ffullers. And this Examd informed
Capt ffuller the condicon tht the seruant was in, & tht the sd seruant
told mee tht shee gott the pox of the sd Owens. And Capt ffuller
replyed to this Depont, tht hee did not looke by his Countenance to
bee such a man; And this Depont desyred some physicall means, or
any thing tht hee thought might giue her any ease of her payne, &
heale her soares. And the sd Capt ffuller did giue this Depont some
medicines, & aduised her how to giue them to her, & how to make
use of them to dresse her soares. And the sd serut would bee allwayes
Crying uppon Owens, That Rogue Owens had undone her. And tht
hee had gyuen tht disease unto her, after the sd wicks had bought her.
And tht the sd Owens did make use of her body, after a uery in-
humane manner, & keepe her downe uppon her face, tht shee could
noe wayes help her selfe. And further this Depont sayth tht being
aboard of Capt Leech's shipp wth Mr Wicks & Mr Carline, And Mr
Owens being att the same pent aboard the sd ship, The sd Wicks
demanded of the sd Owens, what his reason was to beate & abuse the
mayd after hee had bought her of the sd Owens? & the sd Owens
answered shee had a peremptory tounge. And the Wicks replyed,
see, or be sure you haue deliuered mee a mayd in pefect health, ac-
cording to yor agreemt & further sayth not, only thus, That when this
Depont made the relaon as aforesd unto Capt ffuller, this Depont
sayd, tht shee thought the foresd seruant had the Cuntry disease,
And Capt ffuller replyed, That you may call it the Cuntry disease, or
ffrench disease, or what you will; but it is noe better nor worse then
the Pox.
Anne I O Hinson
Jurat Coram me John Russell. her marke