fitt, hereby ratifying & confirming whatsoeu6 my sd Attorney shall
doe in the premises as fully to all intents & purposes, as if the same
had bene done by my selfe. In wittnes whereof I haue hereunto sett
my hand and Seale this 29th day of January 1657
Willm Mitchell Seale.
Sealed & deliued in the pence of
Thomas ffowkes Thomas Seamor
Whereas it appeareth to this Court tht Willm Boareman deft is
indebted to Capt Willm Mitchell by Bill Two Thowsand one hundd
& Sixty pownds Tob & cask payable uppon demand, The sd Bill
bearing date 13th of Octobr 1656. And whereas Capt Willm Stone
by uertue of a Ire of Attorney from the sd Mitchell hath sued the sd
Boreman for the whole debt, The sd Boareman produced this Receipt
for Eight hundd & fifty pownds of Tob allready satisfyed of tht
Debt. (Viz)
14th January 1658.
Receaued of Willm Boareman the summe of six hundd pownds of
Tob & cask, in part of a Bill now in Capt Willm Stones hand from the
foresd Boareman to Capt Willm Mitchell & one hogge att the price of
Two hundd & fifty pownds of Tob. Willm Mitchell
Wittnesses Robert Thimbleby Willm W C. Clapon.
And for the Remaynder of the sd Bill, being one Thowsand Three
hundd & Ten pownds, the sd Boareman confesseth Judgmt for the
same, in open Court to Capt Willm Stone Attorney of Capt Willm
Mitchall as aforesd & soe Ordered to bee payd.