This Bill bindeth me Richard Abrall my heyres Executers & ad-
mistrators to pay or cause to be payd unto Symon Ouerzee or his
Assignes the summe of Twenty Three Thowsand one hundd Eighty
& fowre pownds of Tob & Cask wch Tob proceeds by Two Bills due
to the sd Ouerzee the last yeare of Two Thowsand One hundd &
ninety pownds of Tob in Cask & for a man seruant now bought of
him & for one hundd bushells of salt deliuered to mee & Three thow-
sand pownds of drye Ginger amounted to the foresd summe of
Twenty Three Thowsand one hundd Eighty & fowre pownds of Tob
& Cask payable uppon all demands. And for the true peformance
of the aboue paymt I doe & haue by these pents deliuer, & doe putt
into the possesn of the sd Symon Ouerzee all my Crop now hanging
& allready struck in Cask. Hee the sd Ouerzee gyuing mee a iust
account of the weight. Allso I doe hind oner to him all my hows-
holdstuffe & moueables (none excepted) easpecially all those ex-
pressed in an Inuentory bearing date wth these pents. In wittnes
hereof I haue hereunto sett my hand the 7th of Nouembr 1656.
Richard Abrahall
Wittnes Peter Malbone Nicholas Yowng
June 3d 1657
Acknowledged in Court by mee Willm Edwards on the behalfe
of Mr Richard Abrahall the sd Edwards being impowred to acknow-
ledge the same in March Court last, but the Court was then adiorned
June 20th 1657. Tho: Brereton.
Recorded in the Records for the Quarter Court att James Citty
Endorsed 10th feb. 1657. Tho: Brereton.
Receaued uppon this Bill thee summe of Tenne Thowsand pownds
of Tob. & Cask by mee Symon Ouerzee
Whereas Symon Ouerzee hath produced in Court the Bill or
specialty of Richard Abrahall for 23194l Tob. & Cask. Wch sd
Abrahall being fled out of this Prouince, & his Estate under At-