His Lps Attorney chargeth Mr Symon Ouerzee wth Theftboate &
requesteth of the Board, tht the sd Ouerzee bee brought to a Tryall
for the same
Daniel Clocker sayth uppon Oath in open Court How tht coming
General v.
Vid. fol. 252
ouer from Virginia to his owne howse, Mr Land came to him, &
told him, tht hee fownd Mr Ouerzee more moderate then hee was.
And desyred him to goe to Ouerzee himself e, & trye if hee could
take up the busines concerning his Wife, And comming to Mr Ouer-
zee, & relating the busines att large of his Wife, Mr Ouerzee told this
Depont (bringing out a List of his goods ualued by himselfe att 5000l
Tob) tht hee was much damnifyed. This Depont profered him first
1000l Tob, Yett att last they both agreed for 3000l Tob. to the intent
hee might bring of his Wife, & tht shee might bee assured of her
life, wch hee promised to doe. And to tht intent Mr Ouerzee receaued
Bills, & some small accounts (euen according to his owne reckoning)
of this Depont to the ualue of 3000l Tob. And since tht the busines
is come to a full tryall, & nothing effected by Mr Ouerzee according
to his Condicon & promise wth this Depont, hee Demanded of Mr
Ouerzee his Bills back againe & Mr Ouerzee refused soe to doe,
saying he would giue him none. Mr Philip Land sworne Sayth tht
being wth Mr Ouerzee, the sd Mr Ouerzee told this Depont, That hee
would be contented to stand to some losse, prouided hee might haue
his goods againe: & uppon tht consideraon hee was willing, & would
be contented to forfeite his Recogniz it being but a Thowsand pownds
of Tob. Whereuppon this Depont went the next day to Goodman
dockers, & told him the sd Clocker tht if hee would goe to Mr Ouer-
zee, hee beleiued tht hee might easily now compownd the busines wth
him, & not bring his Wife uppon the stage, ffor Mr Ourzee did not
desyre to prosequute, soe hee might haue his goods againe, though
wth some losse, & this Depont accompanied the sd Clocker from his
howse towards Mr Ouerzee's as far as the White howse (S' Thom-
as's) & further sayth not.
Mr Ourzee denyeth what hee is charged wth, & sayth tht the Bills
hee receaued of Daniel Clocker, were receaued by him uppon another
account, & not uppon any such account, as is alleaged. Desyring the
Court to understand tht what informaon the sd Clocker hath gyuen
or made agst him, in this busines, to haue suggested the same to
an ill intent out of meere malice & spleene.
p. 202