P. C. R.
Robin Cole hath layd some claime to my ffathers & my Estate, wch I
conceiue hee did, supposing I & my Wife had bene dead. But god be
praysed wee are both aliue, & in health, & haue Three Children
lyuing; Soe hee now may excuse the clayming any thing & deliuer all
ouer to you for my use. Pray remember my loue to Mr Thomas
Garrett & his Wife, & all the rest of my ould ffreinds there. Thus
not more, but my kind loue to you, desyring not to fayle, but to use
all dilligence in this busines. I take leaue & rest
Yoe assured f reind to serue you
August 2d 1658. James Neale
I Hue Seauenty Leagues from this place, soe my Wife writes not,
shee not being here, But the first opportunity after I gett home, I
will send you a letter from her
J. N.
p. 195
Bee it knowne unto all men by these pents tht I James Neale Gentn
haue made & ordeyned, constituted, authorized, deputed, & appoynted
& doe by these pents make ordeine, constitute, depute & appoynt my
Wellbeloued ffreinds William Britton Gent", John Thimblebe, John
Wade, & Henry Raynor to bee my true & law full Attorneys, ffor
mee & in my name steade & place, & in the name of my Welbeloued
Wife Ann Neale & in the name of my Children Ann, James &
Dorothy Neale, to ask demand, Leuy, recouer and receaue full &
intire possesn of tht Mannor or parcell of Land, wch is rightly mine
deryued by Patent from the Right honble Cecilius Caluert Lord
Baltemore, Lord Proprietary of the sd Prouince of Maryland knowne
by the name of Wolleston Mannor. As allso full power & authority
to recouer of Nathaniel Pope satisfaction for all such goods, cattle &
seruants, as I left in trust wth him, att my departure from Maryland.
And allsoe doe hereby giue full power & authority to my sd Attorneys
for to recouer all such Lands, goods & Chatties, as were left by Mr
Beniamin Gill, father to my Wife & bequeathed to mee James Neale,
or unto my Wife or our Children or unto any one of us, as may
appeare by the last Will & Testamt of the sd Mr Beniamin Gill de-
ceased, Gyuing & hereby graunting unto my sd Attorneys, or any
Two of them, full power & authority for to sue, arrest, condeme,
imprison, & impleade, any peson or pesons whatsoeur in possesn of
the sd Estates, or any part of them, whither possessed by admistraon
or as ffeoffees in trust, or by any other power whatsoeur, And after
recouery of the sd goods, lands, or cattle for me & in my name, or in
the name of my Wife & Children, or any one of us, to giue acquit-
tance or acquittances, or any other lawfull discharge, Ratifying,
confirming, affirming & allowing of any lawfull Act or thing my sd
Attorneys, or any Two of them shall doe for the Recouery of the sd
goods Lands & chatties. They not disposing otherwise of them,