white blankett that Indian conueyed them away (as this Examd heard
from the Indians) & that they went to the King to haue his ayde, &
in the meane time they fled away.
James Jolley Examined Sayth That the men told him they came
from Seauerne, then from Virginia (as the former) yett they pre-
sumed to take away their gunns, shooting one of, & holding the other
in his hand (loaded as he supposed) And they Could not bring them
away downe wth them, they hauing noe Boate only a small Canow
P. C. R.
Mr Hugh Stanley Sayth uppon Oath That comming to Willm
How's howse the sd Hows told this Depont tht hee & James Jolley
being att Matapanian ffort, they mett wth 2 men wch had 2 guns
there. Wch men told them tht first they came from Seauerne, &
then from Virginia, wch because they were in two tales they sup-
posed to be Runawayes. Yett they presumed to take away their
gunns shooting one gunne of & putting it under his foote, the other
he held in his hand. And tht they profered the guns to this Depont
being a Commisr Hee againe willing them to keepe them & see
them forth comming when demanded.
The Judgmt of the Court is that there appeareth noe euidence yett
that the Examds had any hand in conueying them men away. They
are therefore acquitted & are to returne the Gunns to Mr Slye
By the Leiutenant & Gour of Maryland.
P. 190
Whereas att a Court held in Caluert County of the 24th day of
Aprill last past, It was then by Proclamaon declared, That noe person
or persons should be allowed to plead as Attorneys in any Court of
this Prouince, but such only, as were thereto deputed under hand
writing. Wch Order I haue thought good hereby to Continue and
Confirme. And further to auoyd all Inconueniences. I hoe hereby
declare, that the Wife of Noe peson or pesons residing wth in this
prouince after the end of this pent Court (allthough under handwrit-
ing deputed therto as aforesd) shall bee from henceforth admitted
or allowed as Attorneys for their husbands in any Court of this
prouince. But such persons are requyred hereby to depute or ap-
poynt some other Attorney in their Roome & steede, other then their
Wifes, in case they giue not their pesonall attendance att tht Court
wherto they shall be cyted, or haue any suite depending. Gyuen att
St Maries this 26th day of ffebruary 1658 Josias ffendall
The Court adiorned by the Gouerno6 till Munday 2 Clocke after-
tion as to