P. C. R.
Overzee v.
To the honble the Gour & Councell &c :
The humble Petn of Symon Ouerzee Sheweth Whereas Mr
Thomas Mathewes Attorney to Mr Willm Allen obteyned an Order
the last Court agst yor Petr by misinformaSn of a certaine summe of
Tob. Yor Petr humbly intreateth tht hee may haue a Rehearing
& he shall eue pray &c :
Neuill v.
Vppon the Petn of the plf for charges of Attendance uppon the
defts summons (Viz) 9 dayes att the last Prouinciall Court held att
St Leonards in Caluert County & 2 dayes uppon summons likewise
att Mr Job Chandlers, & att the defts suite.
It is Ordered tht the deft pay unto the plf (att the rate of Thirty
pownds of Tob pr day for eleauen dayes, wch amounteth in the whole
to) Three hundd & Thirty pownds of Tob.
To the honble the Gouernor & Councell &c :
Slye v. Jolly
et al.
The humble Petn of Robert Slye humbly Sheweth Whereas Two
men Seruants running away from yor Petr came to Mattapany in
Patuxt about the beginning of Nouembr last. Where James Jolley &
Willm Hows mett wth the sd Runawayes & there seized uppon their
Two gunns & lett them goe, or as may be doubted did contriue their
conueyance from thence, to the great preiudice of yor Petr. Wher-
fore yor Petrs earnest request is that the aforementioned parties may
be strictly & seuerally examined by this honble Board, what was the
reason of their proceeding soe uniust & illegally in taking the gunns
wth out stopping the seruants. And in case it may by any meanes
appeare tht the sd Hows & Jolley were accessary to, or acquainted wth
the designe of the aforesd Runawayes, That the honble Board please
to take it into yor most serious Consideraons & afford yor Petr releife
in the premises &c :
Vppon the Petn of Mr Robt Slye
William Howes examined Sayth That hee & James Jolley being att
Matapanian ffort, they there mett wth Two men, who told them first
that they came from Seauerne, & then after a while that they came
from Virginia, & that they were in Debt there, wch caused them to
goe amongst the Indians. Soe fearing least the Indians should take
away their gunns they had wth them, They presumed to take them
away themselues. And that Those Two men gyuing an Indian a