Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 217
due to himselfe out of the same Eight hundd pownds of Tob) wch
hee shipped home for England in another ship, & not in his owne
ship: wch Tob prouing nought, hee thought not fitt to cleare itt :
neuer making a penny profitt thereof, wch accompt he formerly gaue
the plf.
The plt further alleageth tht hee gaue the deft order to ship it in
noe ship home, but in his owne ship, & tht the ptf was to runne the
hazard in the Tob home. But hauing noe wittnes to this contract or
Bargaine, ffor the clearing of wch Capt Samuel Tilghman sayth
uppon Oath That hee shipped home Two hogsheads of Tob, wch
he receaued of Jenkin Price for the use of Robt Kedger & one hogs-
head of his owne, Wch Three hogsheads hee neuer cleared, or re-
ceaued a penny for them. But left them for the freight in Capt
Svvanleys hands, And tht the Two hogsheads weighed about Eight
hundd pownds, & tht there remaines still due to Robert Kedger about
Two hundd pownds of Tob.
It is ordered tht the deft eyther returne the Bill of Jenkin Price
according to his condicon, or ells pay Two hundd pownds of Tob wth
Costs of suite unto the ptf.
P. C. R.
Came Joseph Edlow & acknowledged a Judgmt to Capt Nicholas
Gwyther Attorney of Cap' Richard Whyting for seauen hundd
sixty fine pownds of Tob & Cask.
The Court adiorned by the Goue till to morrow morning att 8 of
the Clock.
Whiting v.
ffriday the 25th of ffebruary 1658.
Feb. 25
Josias ffendall Esqr Gour
Philip Caluert Esqr Seer
Capt Willm Stone
Mr RobtClearke
Mr Job Chandler
Dr Luke Barber
Mr Baker Brooke
To the honble the Goue & Councell of the Prouince of Maryland
The humble Pet" of Raph Crouch Sheweth That sometime in
Octobr last was tweluemonth, Mrs ffemwick comming to Mr Thomas
Mathewes howse equyred of the sd Mr Mathews concerning a horse
Colt wch shee missed; Mr Mathews certifyed her, That there was a
horse Colt in the neck yett telling her wth all tht that Colt in the neck
did belong to Mr Starkey, informing her allso of the marke of the
Colt, & how tht that Colt was dragged ouer St Inegos Creek wth a
Rope, & soe putt into the neck by some of Capt Cornewalleys poeple.
And tht that Colt had a Soare in one of his ffeete, occasioned by
Crouch v.
Fen wick
tying him up att the Crosse, when Capt Cornewalleys & Mr Mathewes
were bargayning about that Colt. And John Bogue being then wth
Mrs ffenwick told the sd Mr Mathewes, tht if hee could but see the
Colt, hee could giue a guesse, whither it was Mrs ffenwicks Yea or
Noe, by a priuate marke. Whereuppon John Bogue & Mr Mathewes
P. 175