P. C. R.
goeing & ueiwing the Colt, Mr Mathews asked him for his priuate
marke; & Bogue instantly replyed, hee could not see it, saying how
perhaps it might bee growne out. And then Mrs ffenwick requested
of Mr Mathewes that shee might take up that Colt saying tht shee
should bee willing for Mr Starkeys sake to encleauoue to cure the hurt
in his legge. Wch hee willingly condescended unto. And there-
uppon Mrs ffenwick tooke up that Colt, not clayming any Interest
in it as her owne but as belonging to Mr Starkey, Now soe it is th'
Mrs ffenwick deteyneth that Colt from yoe Pete (hee being the lawfull
Executor of the sd Mr Starkey) though hee hath since demanded the
same of her: Being assured by euident testimonies, wch hee is ready
to produce in Court tht That Colt soe deteyned by her, did formerly
belong to the sd Mr Starkey, Concerning himselfe much iniured
therein, through her sd Detinew; neyther will shee yett redeliuer the
same, unlesse by Order of this honble Court shee bee compelled
Hee humbly therefore requests That yor honrs will take Cogniz-
ance of the Case a releiue yor Petr
And hee shall pray &c :
To the Petn of the ptf the deft (by Mr Attorney grail) denyeth
what is alleaged in the Petn, Whereuppon the plf produceth these
his testimonies.
Vid. fol. 240
Mr Thomas Mathews sworne in open Court Sayth That he uerily
beleiueth tht the Colt now in dispute came of Mr Starkeys mare.
Mrs Hester Mathewes sworne allso in open Court sayth, That shee
saw Mr Starkeys mare defend this Colt now in dispute agst a gelding
tht followed & beate him.
Marks Pheypo Sayth That he saw a reddish Colt wth Three white
feete follow a Mare, tht was accounted Mr Starkeys Mare, But
whither it was her Colt or not he cannott tell.
Nicholas Keytin Sayth tht hee saw a Roane Mare called Mr Stark-
eys Mare & a Red yowng horse wth Three white feete, & a white
streake downe the forehead in company wth her.
Bryant Daly Sayth tht hee saw a Mare & a Colt, wch was told
him was Mr Starkeys (wch is the horse now in dispute) & Mr
Mathewes horse did often stryue to beate tht Colt from the Mare,
but could not.
Thomas Hawker Sayth that euer since hee knew the mare wch
p. 176
was Mr Starkeys, hee saw the Colt now in dispute follow Mr Stark-
eys mare & thereuppon hee allwayes accounted it to belong to Mr
Barnaby Jackson Sayth, tht hee knew tht Mr Starkey had a horse
Colt and there being another horse Colt somthing like Mr Starkeys :
hee neuer knew one Colt from the other.