Was called afore the Board Jacob Lumbrozo, & charged by his :
Lps Attorney for uttering words of blesphemy agst Our Blessed
Sauiour Jesus Christ. |
The Deposn of John ffossett aged 44 yeares or thereabouts Sayth
this 19th day of ffebruary 1658
That about halfe a yeare since, this Depont being att the howse of
Mr Rich: Prestons, & there meeting wth Jacob Lumbrozo, Hee this
Depont & the sd Lumbrozo falling into discourse concerning Our Bd
Sauior Christ his Resurrection, Telling the sd Lumbrozo that hee
was more then man, as did appeare by his Resurrection, To wch the sd
Lumbrozo answered, That his Disciples stole him away, Then this
Depont replyed, tht noe man euer did such miracles as hee, To wch the
sd Lumbrozo answered, That such works might be done by Negro-
mancy, or sorcery or words to tht purpose, And this Depont replyed
to the sd Lumbrozo, tht hee supposed, tht the sd Lumbrozo tooke
Christ to be a Negromancer. To wch the sd Lumbrozo answered
nothing but laughed & further this Depont Sayth not.
Jurat die & Ano Supradict Corar me Henry Coursey.
I Richard Preston Junr doe testify tht about June or July last past
comming from Thomas Thomas, in company wth Josias Cole, & the
Jew Doctor, knowne by the name of Jacob Lumbrozo, the sd Josias
Cole asked the sd Lumbrozo whether the Jewes did looke for a
P. C. R.
General v.
Messias? and the sd Lumbrozo answered yes. Then the sd Cole
asked him, what hee was that was Crucifyed att Jerusalem? & the sd
Lumbrozo answered hee was a Man. Then the sd Cole asked him
how hee did doe all his miracles ? and the sd Lumbrozo answered hee
did them by the Art Magick. Then the sd Cole asked him, how his
Disciples did doe the same miracles after hee was Crucifyed? And
the sd Lumbrozo answered hee taught them his Art, & further sayth
This was declared before mee as in the pesence of God that it is
true this 21th ffebruary 1658 Henry Coursey
The sd Lumbrozo sayth tht hee had some talk wt those persons, &
willed by them to declare his Opinion, & being by profession a Jew
he answered to some perticular demands then urged, & as to that of
miracles done by Art magick, he declared what remaines written
concerning Moses & the Magicians of Egipt: But sayd not any thing
scoffingly or in derogaon of him, Christians acknowledge for their
It is Ordered that the sd Lumbrozo remaine in the Sheriffs Custody
untill hee putt in security Body for Body to make answere to what
shall be layd to his charge, Concerning those blasphedmous words &
speeches, att the next Prouinciall Court, & tht the persons be there
present to testify uiua voce in Court.
p. 160