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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1658-1662
Volume 41, Page 175   View pdf image (33K)
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Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 175

the sd Order was graunted; & not hauing any Attorney in Court,
Shee humbly prayes this honble Court to take the premises in Con-
sideraon & yor Petr as in duty bownd shall pray &c :
John Hollinsworth aged 19 yeares or thereabouts Sworne &
Examined this 7th of Octobr 1658, Sayth in open Court.
That hee was Cowkeeper unto Mrs Eltonhead, & goeing into the
Marish one night, where his mistresses Cattle were, he saw amongst
them Two strange Cowes, the one of them hauing newly calued, &
the other had a calfe about a weeke old. And That that uery night
there fell a great Snow about Kneedeepe (as this Depont thinketh)
And the next morning his Mes sending for her owne Cattle home this
Dept sayth that that Cow wch had calued the night before, had lost
her calfe, And that the other Cow tht had the Calfe was swamped &
dyed together wth 3 other of his Mrs owne Cowes att the same time,
this Depont being then uery sick, But what became of the calfe hee
knoweth not And for the other Cow shee neuer knew any calfe shee
had, saue only tht wch was lost in the snow & further sayth not.
James Bowling aged 22 yeares or thereabouts sayth, that Mes
Eltonheads Cowkeeper came out of the Marish, where these two
strange Cowes were, & when he came home he related that of these
strange Cattle one was dead in the swamp, & he heard Sawnders
Laremore say the same, tht shee was dead in the swamp, & this Cow
appeared afterwards to be Mr Symon Ouerzees, & further sayth not.
Alexander Laremore sayth That there once was Two Cowes & one
Calfe of Mr Ouerzees amongst Mrs Eltonheads cattle. And Mrs
Eltoheads seruants dryuing their owne cattle home, the sd Two
Cowes followed the other cattle, euen to the howse, And That Cow
tht had the calfe dyed, But what became of the Calfe this Depont
knoweth not, & for the other Cow hee neuer knew any encrease shee
Mr John Anderton Sayth uppon oath in Court That there was Two
Cowes & one Calfe amongst some cattle of Mrs Eltonheads, belonging
to Mr Ouerzee, And the seruants fetching home their owne cattle
the sd Two Cowes & calfe followed the other cattle home to the
howse, And this Depont Sayth tht that Cow tht had the Calfe was
swamped & dyed, But what became of the calfe hee knoweth not,
And as to the other Cow hee neuer knew any Calfe shee had.
This Cause is Respited till next Court tht Mr Ouerze be pent in

To the honble the Gouernoe & Councell
The humble Petn of Margarett Brent Sheweth

P. C. R.

That Thomas White late deceased wth in this prouince, out of the
tender loue & affection hee beare unto yor Petr, intending if hee had
lyued, to haue marryed her, Did by his last Will giue unto yor Petr

Re White's
P. 133

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1658-1662
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