Watts plf.
Veitch deft
The plf (per Attornat Willm Mills) complayneth agst the deft for
tht Ano 1657, the deft coming to the plf & demanding the Leauy wch
came unto 50l of Tob, the sd deft sett the Broad arrow on a hogshead
of Tob of the plfs, depryuing him thereby of the use thereof, & wch
hogshead of Tob. is now rotten.
Willm Ennis sayth uppon oath, That after the hogshead was soe
marked, the plf promised the deft to repack that hogshead of Tob.
The deft likewise promising, to lett him haue goods for the ouerplus.
And the deft produced his account for Leauis & ffees, Three
hundred Thirty two pownds of Tob.
The Court see noe cause of suite.
Mr Henry
Coursey plf
Baysey deft
This Cause being uppon accounts &c: & intricate, A Jury is
Warrt to the Sheriffe to empanell a Jury of 12 men Ret forthwth
Sheriffe returneth his writt & warned