To the second. That hee called in this Deponts husband Nicholas
Cawsine, her selfe & Daughter Adams, & desyred Willm Harper her
sonne Adams his man to write his Will, And to tht intent, pen, inke,
& paper was brought. But the sayd Willm Harper not knowing the
forme of a Will, desyred hee would deferre it, till his Master came
home. Vppon wch hee desyred us present (Viz) her husband, her
selfe, & Daughter Adams to take notice of his Verball Will.
To the third. That for the Exequutors they were of his owne
choyce & motion not knowing any, tht peswaded him to them, And
that hee desyred to speake wth Mr ffitzherbert, & Mr Gerard, but it
could not possibly bee effected.
To the ffowrth. That shee was Mother in Law to one whom hee
did appoynt his Exequutor & that her Daughter Adams, who is a
wittnes, was then & is still Wife of One of the sd Exequutors
To the ffifth. That her Daughter who was a Wittnes had not
any Legacy left, But to her selfe & her husband was Legacies left
who were wittnesses.
To the Sixth. That to the best of her iudgmt, hee was in perfect
sence & memory, when hee made choyce of his Exequutors, & con-
tinued in the same, to his last breath.
Sworne before mee the day & yeare aboue written Job Chandler.
Mary Adams aged 21 yeares or thereabouts her answere to the
foresd Interrogatories uppon Oath & Examinaon.
To the ffirst. That the uery day of his death he nominated &
appoynted Mr Thomas Gerard & this Deponts husband to bee his
To the Second. That a little before Mr Gills departure this
P. C. R.
Depont lyuing then in her ffather in Law Cawsines howse, was called
into the roome, where hee dyed by her mother, And hee desyred all
there pent, wch were her ffather in Law her mother, & her selfe to take
notice that was his Will.
To the Third. That the first day Mr Gill came to this Deponts
mothers howse, he nominated Mr Thomas Gerard, & her husband
to bee his Exequutors, & did not att any time after heare him mention
any else, & to the best of her knowledge he was not perswaded to
make choyce of any Exequutors.
To the ffowrth. That shee was Wife to one of the Exequutors, &
that shee was a wittnes but noe Legatee.
To the ffifth That all but her selfe were.
That to the best of her knowledge he was, ffor he spoake senceably,
& knew us all there present.
Sworne Eod die Coram me Job. Chandler.
p. 120