P. C. R.
lay sick att Mr Gerards, Mr Gerard & his Wife urged him to make
a Will, But he made none, And the reason was, as the sd Gill tould
this Depont, because they would haue him make Robt Cole his heyre,
But he sayd hee would not, ffor the sd Cole did not deserue it att his
hands, And tht shee neuer did see any Will amongst his writings,
And further Sayth not.
Eod. die.
Mary Adams of this Prouince aged 21 yeares, or thereabouts
sworne & Examined Sayth, Shee was att Portoback att her Mothers
howse att the time when Mr Beniamin Gill dyed, That neyther then
nor before, shee neuer saw any written Will, & further sayth not.
Eod. die
Jane Cocksuite of this prouince aged 17 yeares or thereabouts
deposeth idem quod her Sister Mary Adams ut supra.
Jurat Oes Coram Robt Clearke.
Robert Cole his Interrogatories proposed to Mrs Jane Clearke,
Mrs Mary Adams, Mrs Jane Cockshott, Concerning Mr Beniamin
Gill his last Will & Testamt, wth their answers thereunto uppon Oath
& Examinaon
July 26th 1658.
ffirst Doe you remember att what time Mr Beniamin Gill deceased
did speake concerning making his Will, or appownting Executees.
2ly Can you testify tht Beniamin Gill, did of purpose call or
desyre any peson or pesons as wittnesses: or were to tht purpose
requyred by him to take notice of any words spoken by him to tht
purpose, When, Where & in whose pence, was any such by
the sd Beniamin Gill.
p. 128
3ly Was the sd Beniamin Gill perswaded to appoynt Exequutoes,
& such as hee did seeme unwilling to appoynt. Were any pesons
hindred to come to him uppon his request to tht intent, or any to
committ his Will to writing.
4ly Are any the Witnesses of his appoyntmt of Exequutors soe
neare of kinne to the Exequutors, or Exequutor, That they may
probably peties to the sd Exequutors cause.
5ly Were not some of the Witnesses or all of them to receiue
some benefitt, or Legacies, by such his nuncupative Will.
6ly Can you sweare tht the sd Beniamin Gill, was of perfect mem-
ory, when hee made choice of the pretended Exequutors.
Jane Clearke aged 46 yeares or thereabouts, her answere to the
abouesd Interrogatories uppon oath & Examina5n ut supra.
To the ffirst. That it was a little before hee dyed, hee spoke it
before this Deponent & her husband Cawsine, & her Daughter