172 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.
P. C. R.
Jane Cockshott aged 17 yeares or thereabout her answere to the
foresd Interrogatories, uppon Oath & Examinaon.
To the ffirst That the first day Mr Gill came to this Deponts
mothers howse, being the time he there dyed, hee spake of making
his Will & tht hee did nominate Mr Gerard & her Brother Adams to
bee his Exequutors & tht he desyred it seuerall times in his sicknes.
To the Second. That the same day Mr Gill dyed this Depont
Sayth, Shee was wth her sister Adams called into the roome by her
mother, where Mr Gill was, her ffather in Law Cawsine being pres-
ent, Where Mr Gill desyred them to take notice tht this was his Will,
And tht Willm Harper being called in to write his Will desyred to
hee excused not knowing the forme.
To the Third. That shee knows not That Mr Gill was peswaded
by any to make choyce of his Exequutors, or tht hee was hindred of
any persons to come to him, That hee desyred.
To the ffowrth. That shee was sister in Law to One of the
Exequutors, but further knows not.
To the ffifth. That shee was not present, fully to heare Mr Gills
Will, therfore knows nothing concerning Legacies, & tht shee doth
not remember any part of it (Except) That hee desyred all his
cattle should be brought to her mothers howse & there to remaine
for three yeares: & the nominating his Exequutors, wch were those
aboue mentioned.
To the Sixth. That to the best of her Judgmt he was, for he was
sencible, & knew all that were there present.
Sworne Eod die Coram me
p. 130
The Deposn of Mrs Jane Clearke aged 46 yeares or thereabouts
Sworne & examind this 16th of August 1658.
Sayth, That Beniamin Gill deceased after nominating & appoynt-
ing his Exequutors wch were Mr Thomas Gerard, & this Deponts
sonne in Law Henry Adams, did dispose of his wordly goods as
Impe That one Thowsand pownds of Tob, or thereabout, wch
was in Mr Thomas Gerard & Mr Robert Slyes hands should be gyuen
to the Church to bee prayed for.
2ly That hee gaue to this Depont in consideraon of her paines &
charges all his moueable goods, Excepting his Chayres & Stooles &
Table, wch were att Widdow Lewis her howse, The wch Chayres,
Stooles & Table, hee gaue to this Deponents Daughter Jane Cockshott
It. Hee gaue to this Deponts husband Nicholas Cawsine fiue
hundd pownds of Tob: & fiue hundd pownds of Tob more to this
Depont, And to this Deponts Daughter Jane Cockshott, & her sonne
Ignatius, & Nicholas Cawsine to each of them hee gaue fiue hundd
pownds of Tob.