P. C. R.
Boreman v.
To the honble the Goue & Councell
The humble Petn of Willm Boreman humbly Sheweth That wheeas
yor Petr did putt into the Custody of John Chearman Two seruants
for whose Crops, the sd Chearman was to be responsable unto yor
Petr, & the sd Chearman did oblidge himselfe to use his totall en-
deauoe to make yor Petr good & sownd Tob, And allso the sd Chear-
man tooke the charge of hoggs and Cattle, & as yett hath gyen yoe
Petr noe account thereof.
The premises considered yor Petr humbly craueth such satisfaction,
as this honble board shall Judge fitt, according to equity & Justice,
according to the dammages as yor Pef shall iustly make appeare &
Yor Petr shall eur pray &c :
James Lindsey aged 30 yeares or thereabouts sayth, tht the man
he bought of Willm Boreman was Three dayes striking of the Crop,
of Willm Boreman & another —— Two dayes, And this Depont was
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Two or Three dayes a packing of the sd Crop, & mending the hog-
heads, & John Chearman had this Deponts Boate, & a hand to help
him to fetch home the Cask for the use of Willm Boreman, & was
ready att all times to helpe the sd Chearman about the sd Crop, &
further sayth not.
John Smithson aged 18 yeares & upwards Deposed sayth That in
or about the month of ffebruary 1656, hee went wth Mr Willm
Boreman to Nangemy to helpe him strike a Crop of Tob, wch the sd
Boreman had there, committed to the charge & care of John Chear-
man. It being att tht time when they came there a Season, & the sd
Chearman refused to haue it struck, saying it was to drye, & further
sayth not.
Willm Samford aged 22 yeares or thereabouts, Sayth uppon Oath,
That Mr Willm Boreman hauing a Crop of Tob att Nangemy, & Two
seruants there to tend it, The charge of the Crop & seruants was com-
mitted to John Chearman as the Ouerseer, And the sd Chearman
goeing downe to St Maries this Depont asked him, if hee should strike
the Tob, before his returne or not ? & the sd Chearman replyed noe :
Bidding this Depont Lett it alone, till hee came up, And Allso tht
Mr Boreman came up to Nangemy sometime in ffebruary, in the
yeare 1656, wth Two other in the Boate, & desyred then to strike the
sd Crop, & the sd Chearman would not consent to it, or permitt it :
Saying tht hee would not strike Tob soe drye, as then it was, alleaging
tht hee had lost to much & further sayth not.
Edward Harwood aged 20 yeares or thereabouts, deposeth the
same, (Except the Last clause of Mr Boremans comming up to
Nangemy to strike the Tob &c :) Viz. of his the sd Chearmans goeing
away to St Maries Bidding them to lett the Tob hang till hee came up.
Edward Harwood aged 20 yeares or thereabouts sayth That about
Two yeares past his Master Mr Willm Boreman had att Nangemy a