Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 153
of Tob attatched in Mr James Lindseys hands, wth Costs & dammages
according to the former Order.
P. C. R.
To the honble the Goue & Councell
The humble Petn of John Chearman Sheweth
That Willm Boreman did about the first of March in the yeare
1656, inuite yoe Petr to Hue wth him, uppon his Plantaon att Nan-
gemy & there to putt In wm his Two seruants, to plant a Crop wth
him, the sd Boreman finding all necessaries accordingly. Afterward
yor Petr hauing pitched a Crop, the sd Boreman did promise yoe Petr
a Boate to fetch Cask, to putt yor Petrs Tob in. Wch promise the sd
Boreman neuer kept. Notwthstanding yor Petr did att seuerall times
presse & unto the sd Boreman, tht yor Petrs Tob did lye uppon the
spoyle, who Replyed his word should bee his deed & promised yor
Petr a Boate to fetch the sd cask, by the last of August then next
Now soe it is, the sd Boreman immediately after this promise made
v. Boreman
went downe to St Maries, nothing regarding yor Pet" necessity, &
his promise. Insomuch tht yor Petr (fearing & disturbing his well
fayre) thought himselfe bownd to looke after him; & was allso com-
peld thereto, for want of the sd Cask,
ffurthermore the sd Boreman comming up wth yoe Petr att or before
Christmasse in the then yeare, did take away his seruants, before
the sd Crop was struck, to the dammage of yor Petr. Yor Petr neuer
seeing him the sd Boreman, nor any of his seruants from the time of
his departure till about May then next following. Where att his com-
ming up, hee the sd Boreman went & ueiwed yor Pet" Tob, wch lay in
Bulk & presently uppon sight thereof, Reported, That yor Petrs Tob
was both funkd' & rotten, the wch yor Petr can sufficiently proue was
most false & untrue Through wch Report & aspersion yor Petr was soe
much damnifyed, tht noe Mercht would soe much as looke on yor
Petrs Tob, nor could yor Petr that yeare for tht Cause putt of any of
his Tob.
Wherfore yor Petr humbly Craueth this honble Court would be
pleased to take the premises into their tender, & conscientious con-
sideraon, & tht they would be pleased to allow yor Petr such satis-
faction for his losse & dammages, as yor honrs in right & equity shall
thinke fitt wth Costs of suite And yor Petr shall pray &c :
p. 111
Willm Head aged 32 yeares or thereabouts deposed sayth That
about, or a little before Christmasse last was Tweluemonth, being
att the howse of Willm Boreman att the head of Nangemy; Hee heard
Willm Boreman promise John Chearman his Boate; that therewth
Cask might bee fetched from James Lee his Plantaon to pack the
Crop of Tob, that was tht yeare made uppon Willm Boreman's
Plantaon, & further this Depont sayth not
Vid. etiam
Lindseys &
Christ :
Oaths fol.