Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 149
receaued, bargaine, sell, make ouer, & assigne all the wth in mentioned
cattle unto Mr Henry Coursey or his assignes, wth her future en-
crease & doe warrt the sale thereof, to him, his heyres, Exeqes, ad-
mistratoes or assignes. Wittnes my hand this 18th day of Aprill 1654.
In the pents of John Nicholes. Philip Land.
Vppon the Petn & demand of the plf, for a Cow & a Steere Calfe
&c: The deft alleageth tht hee hath payd unto Mr Thomas Hatton
455l Tob towards the satisfying tht debt. And the plf auerreth tht
hee neuer gaue Mr Hatton Order to receiue, or euer receaued from
the sd Mr Hatton, any summe of Tob in consideraon of this debt in
question. And the deft not being able to proue the Contrary, It is
ordered tht the deft satisfy, or pay unto the plf a Cow & Steere calfe
according to his Bill of Sale wth costs of suite.
P. C. R.
George Goodrick Admistratoe of the Estate of Capt Willm Lewis
came into Court, & requesteth to be released from the sd Estate &
haue Quietus Est. And producing his account of the sd estate, It
appeareth by the sd Accompt tht hee hath payd 5000l Tob ouer &
aboue what the personall Estate was appraysed att. It is therfore
ordered that his account be allowed of, & he haue his Quietus est.
Wch 5000l Tob hee is to haue out of the Land, when it shall be
raysed by Extent (Memorandun Clerks ffees & Sheriffs ffees are all
included into this summe of 5000' Tob.)
Re Lewis's
It is further Ordered tht the Land belonging to Capt Willm Lewis
be extended (soe far forth as it will goe) to pay the Credrs, And all
the Credrs who haue allready brought in their claimes shall be Ap-
praysrs of the sd Land.
Vid. fol. 200
& fol. 318
Judgmt is graunted to Capt Nicholas Gwyther, agst the Admis-
trator of Capt Willm Lewis for 572l Tob. to be recouered uppon the
Land, when appraysed & extended according to the foregoeing Order
Gwyther v.
Judgmt is likewise graunted unto Mr Edward Packer, agst the
Admistrator of Capt Wm Lewis for 200l Tob, The Remainder of a
Bill of 600l Tob. to be recouered uppon the Land when appraysed
as aforesd
Packer v.
Lewis's Es-
The Court uppon Speciall busines of the Councell adiorned for a
while & being after Called againe proceeded.
(Vide 3 Md.
Arch. Coun.
These are in the Ld Proprs name to will & requyre you to Impanell
a Jury of Twelue men to enquyre in behalfe of the Ld Propr, what
shall be gyuen them in charge concerning Robt Holt, hauing marryed
on Christian Bounefeild (his owne Wife Dorothy being then & yett
General v.