Vid. fol. 185
Lett it be enquyred for the Ld Proprietary whither Robert Holt of
Greens Poynt in St Georges hundd, in the County of St Maries
Cooper, on the 28th day of January last att the howse of Willm Will-
kinson in Se Georges hundd in the County aforesd Clarke, not hauing
the feare of god before his eyes, & agst the peace of his sd Lp being
marryed to Dorothy Holt, did ffeloniously marry Christian Bonne-
feild, the sd Dorothy his lawfull Wife being then lyuing, contrary to
the forme of the Statute in tht case prouided. And likewise whither
Willm Willkinson Clerke be not accessary to the sd ffellony, in con-
tryuing & Counselling the sd marriage, after hee had diuorced the sd
Robert Holt, & Dorothy his Wife
An Enquest taken before the Coroner of St Maries County on the
behalfe of the Ld Proprietary, & Robert Holt a ffelon Escaped 11th
Septembr 1658
Wee find according to Euidence tht the Prisoner Robert Holt, did
fly (for feare of comming to Tryall for his fact committed by his
owne confession before the Secretary) from the Sheriffe.