142 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.
P. C. R.
Capt Thomas Cornewalleys sworne in open Court Sayth, tht when
Mr Chandler deliuered this Dept a Mare, he shewed him a Browne
Mare, wch he sd was his, Wch Barnaby Jackson ueiwing sayd to this
Depont That Mare would cleare her selfe, & if tht Mr Chandler
wanted a Mare, hee must looke her of Capt Stone, Willm Boreman &
Thomas Courtney, being allso examined & nothing appearing posi-
tiuely by their Oathes, tht the Mare in dispute is the ptfs Mare. But
rather suppose the contrary tht it is the defts Mare.
And the plf not being able to proue the same, The deft desyreth
nonsuite, Wch was Granted.
Streeter v.
Vppon the demand of Richard Collett the ptfs Attorney, agst
ffrancis Brooks deft for 14000l Tob by Bill, The deft denyeth the sd
Bill & the signing thereof by him.
Capt Thomas Cornewalleys sworne in open Court sayth tht Coll
Thomas Burbadge desyred this Depont to demand of the deft this
Bill: wch hee did & the deft neuer denyed it to him.
Mrs Jane ffenwick sworne (concerning this Bill in question) sayth,
That shee hath heard Mr ffenwick her husband say That ffrancis
Brooks thought to haue cheated other folks, & cheated himselfe,
affirming tht Coll Burbadge did say, That hee thought tht Mr Olditch
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had noe right in tht Bill, But as for himselfe he gaue, or could giue
his right therein, But hee could not giue away what doth belong to
the children, Capt Nicholas Gwyther deposeth idem.
John Metcalfe sworne Sayth That he heard Mr ffenwick say, That
hee thought in his conscience tht that Bill was uery uniust.
Whereuppon the Court considered tht the Bill by the plf produced,
if euer signed by the deft (wch as yett doth not appeare by any
Wittnes) was fraudulently obteyned, & therfore Judge that the sd
Bill doe lye in Court till the 25th of March next, By wch time if proofe
bee not made uppon what consideraon the sd Bill was gyuen, the sd
Bill shall be deliuered up to bee cancelled.
Baysey v.
To the honble the Gour & Councell
The humble Petn of Michael Baysey.
Sheweth That whereas yoe Petr hath complayned seuerall times
agst Mr Robert Clarke, in not laying out the Lines of the Land,
belonging to the children of Anthony Rawlins deceased & one Order
of Court or more hath bene had in the premises agst him, Yett not-
wthstanding he hath not remedyed it, to the great preiudice of the sd
Childrens Land, some enchroaching uppon the back-Lines as yoe Pete
doth conceaue.
The humble Request of yor Pete is That the Children may bee
speedily remedyed therein, & yor Petr shall euer pray &c: It is
Ordered according to the Petn, tht Mr Clarke make a perfect Suruey
out of hand