To the Rt worll the Gouernor & Councell
The humble Petn of Luke Gardiner Humbly Sheweth
That yor Petr in the yeare 1652 did freely purchase of Thomas
Gerard of St Clemts mannor Esqr a certaine Tract or parcell of
Land, commonly called by the name of Canow-Neck, for the con-
sideraon of 5000l Tob. & cask & allready receaued; And Three
barrells of Indian Corne & Two Capons yearely to be payd unto the
aforesd Gerard. And tht whereas the aforesd Gerard hath passed
unto yor Petr a Certaine Instrumt under his hand & Scale, as an
acknowledgmt of the foresd Contract, wth promise tht if yor Pef
should afterward any way mislike the aforesd Deed, by reason of
any clause therein conteyned not consonant to Law, or wch might
make it appeare to be noe perfect alienation, tht then hee the sd
Gerard should bee willing att any time to graunt unto yor Pef, a
more sufficient assurance of his sd Land, And tht whereas yor Pef
hath seuerall times shewed the Deed to diuers persons, well skilled
in the Law, to haue their Opinions, Whither or noe it were sufficient,
to assure the aforesd Land unto yor Petr & his heyres for euer,
according to the intention of the Bargaine. It was declared by them
all, to bee a uery imperfect Conueyance, Wch yor Pef understanding,
in complyance to the sd Gerards promise gott another attendance
P. C. R.
Gardiner v.
drawne agreable to the former Contract, made betweene the sd
Gerard & yor Pef, & made a tender thereof to him, humbly desyring
tht hee would bee pleased, after the perusing thereof, to signe it
according to his former promise, But hee utterly denyed the signing
of it.
May it therefore please yor honrs soe seriously to consider the
premises tht the sd Gerard & his Wife, may bee forced in the behalfe
of themselues & their heyres to graunt soe sufficient assurance to yor
Pef & his heyres for the aforesd Land, wch hee hath soe long since
payed for: & that wee may be sure to remaine in quiett possesn thereof
for the future.
And yor Pef shall euer pray &c :
Vppon the Pef aforesd Mrs Susan Gerard the defts Wife being
called & appearing in Court, declareth tht shee will not uoluntarily &
freely acknowledge a fine, unlesse as compelled by the Court as the
Pef hath requested in his Petn Whereuppon the Judgmt of the Court
is tht the deft gyuing Bond to the plf for Twenty Thowsancl pownds
of Tob. is a sufficient Security for the Third part of Eight hundd
acres of Land. And after a little space Mrs Susan Gerard came
againe into the Court, & declareth (to end these controuersies) tht
shee is willing & doth freely of her owne accord acknowledge a fine.
St Maries Command Thomas Gerard & Susan his Wife tht they
hold Couenant to Luke Gardiner of Canow-neck, Bownding wth
Two marked Trees standing uppon the Two heads of the Branches
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