594 Appendix.
No. 278
p. 82
as many doubts or rather Pretences have arisen touching the non-
payment of Rent on Surplus or other Lands; Now to Avoid all
distinctions or controversies for the future in such cases, we do
Authorise & Impower You, with the Advice & consent of our Gov-
ernor & Secretary for the time being, to grant any Surplus or other
Lands, our Manners or Reserves Excepted, on such terms & con-
ditions as to you shall seem equitable & just, tho not under the
conditions of four shilings reserved Rent per hundred Acres, & five
pounds Sterling per cent Acres caution mony: You are Nevertheless
to demand where the case will Admit of it, such farther Caution
mony or Reserved. Rent as to you & the Govor for the time being,
shall seem just & Expedient.
2. It having been represented to us that many of the Back-
Lands in the Province, by reason of their distance, will not bear the
reserve of 4o per ico Acres; in order therefore to give all due En-
couragemt for the Settling the sd Lands, Our Will is, with the
Advice & consent as is in the Instruction aforesd you do Grant such
Lands not under a Reserve of 2C per ico Acres Reserved Rent, &
5 £ St: caution mony per ico acres.
3. And whereas it has been represented to me, that the Fees of
the Land-Office, are very grievous to my Tenants, You are to
Deliver to the Govr to be transmitted to me, an exact List of the
Fees relating to that part of the Land Office that concerns the Agent
p. 83
4 You are not to Lett or Grant any Lands in the City of An-
napolis or within five miles about the same, without particular
Instructions from me, & to cause the strictest Reserve to be laid
on & enter'd in all the proper Offices for the purposes aforesd, &
forthwith to transmit a Copy of the entry or entrys of the sd Re-
serve; and whereas many persons holding Lands within the Bounds
aforesd under titles derived from Messieur Boardly or Larking,
whose Titles we have great reason to think invalid or fraudulent,
may make applications fur having their title or titles made good to
them. You are to apprise the Governor, of all such Application or
applications, & then to transmit such Application with a Survey,
Draught or Plan thereof to me, & not to proceed therein but by my
particular Direction under my Hand & Lesser Seal and as there are
many persons who hold Lands under the titles aforesd & have not as
yet been proceeded agst, You are to consult with the Attny Genl
what is proper to be done
NB. You are as usual to lett this Instruction be properly Enter'd.
5 Whereas you have been always directed that one of the con-
ditions of the Collectors of the Quit Rents shou'd be, tht every indi-
vidual Collector shou'd deliver unto you, (before you do make him
his Allowance,) annually, a Copy of the Rent-Roil by which he has
that year collected; you are again directed strictly to comply with