To Benjamin Tasker Esqr his Ldsp's Agent & Receiver General
in Maryland.
An Instruction to Our Trusty & well Beloved Saml Ogle Esqre
Govr of the Province of Maryland
You are to Require of the Agent and Secretary & all other Officers
concern'd in the Land Office, Lists of the Fees in their Respective
Offices, & to Transmit the sd Lists oyer to me with your Remarks
Given under our Hand & Lesser Seal at Arms this 15th of Decr
1738 & in the 24th year of our Dominion at London
By his Ldsp's Comd Wm Janssen Secry
An Instruction to our Trusty & well Beloved Edmd Jenings Esqre
Secretary of the Prov: of Maryland.
You are forthwith to deliver to the Govr a List of such Fees as
are taken in your office for any matter or thing relative to our Land-
Given under our Hand & Lesser Seal at arms at London this 15th
of Decr 1738 & in the 24th year of our Dominion.
By his Lordsp's comd Wm Janssen Secry
Instructions to our Trusty well Beloved Benja Tasker Esqre Agent
for the Prov. of Maryland
Whereas several Inconveniencys & disputes have arisen touching
the taking up of Surplus or other Lands, & whereas we have by
Vertue of the Royal Charter an undoubted Right to all Lands in
the Province of Maryland ungranted by us or our Predecessors, and