ment of Justice as also an Act of Assembly Entituled a Supple-
mentary Act to the Act for advancement of Justice.
A Bill Entituled an Act reviving an Act of Assembly entituled
a Supplementary Act to the Act Entituled an Act laying an importa-
tion on of Negroes and on several Sorts of liquors imported and also
on Irish Servants to prevent the too great a number of Irish Papists
into this Province.
A Bill entituled an Act reviving an Act of Assembly Entituled an
Act for naturalization. A Bill entituled An Act reviving an Act of
Assembly Entituled an Act concerning Ordinaries and for the better
regulating of Inn-holders and Ordinary Keepers within this Prov-
ince Severally read the first time and ordered to lye on the Table.
The Governour communicated to the House the following Answer
to the Address of this House this day presented (Viz)
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly.
I have perused your Address delivered to me this Day Setting
forth that it appears to your House that there has been paid to me
the Sum of Five hundred and Thirty pounds Seven Shillings and
six pence Sterl out of of the three pence p hhd raised for purchasing
Arms and Ammunition for the Defence of this province as also out
of the money raised by Virtue of an Act for laying an imposition of
three pence p hhd on all Tobacco to be exported out of this province
for the Time therein mentioned wherein you desire an Account may
be laid before your House Shewing to what uses the said Sum hath
been applied.
I should be very sorry to give the Lower House of Assembly
the least reason to imagine that any Money paid to me has been
applied to any other uses than those to which it was appropriated.
As to the particular Sums that have been received by me and remitted
to England for the purchasing of Arms and Ammunition, with the
account of what is already laid out and what is still remaining in the
Merchants hands of the said money shall be laid before you.
Sam Ogle.