L. H. J.
Lib. No. 45
A Bill Reviving an Act of Assembly Entituled an Act for raising
three pence p hogshead on all Tobacco to be exported, for pur-
chasing Arms and Ammunition for the Defence of this province.
A Bill reviving an Act Entituled an Act to prevent the injuring
Harbours within this Province and for repealing the Act therein
A Bill reviving an Act of Assembly intituled an Act for the
releiving the Inhabitants of this Province from some Aggreivances
in the prosecutions of Suits at Law, as also an Act of Assembly
intituled a Supplementary Act to the Act for the releiving the Inhab-
itants of this Province from some Aggrievances in the prosecution
of Suits at Law, Severally read the first time and ordered to lye on
the Table.
Edmund Jenings Esqr from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker
a petition of Benjamin Howard of Ann Arundell County praying
leave to bring in a Bill to invest him with an Estate in Fee Simple in
and to a Tract of Land called Ropers Neck &ca indorsed recom-
mended by the Upper House of Assembly to the Consideration of
the Lower House, which was here read.
Ordered that Mr Henry, Mr Trippe and Mr Samuel Smith and Mr
Wootton enquire into the facts contained in the petitions and make
report thereof to the House.
George Plater Esqr from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker
the Bill entituled an Act to impower the Justices of Prince Georges
County to raise levy and Assess the money therein mentioned on the
Taxable Inhabitants of Queen Ann Parish in said County &ca in-
dorsed thus (See pages 151 and 152.)
Which Bill here read and passed with the Amendment proposed,
for ingrossing.
Philip Lee Esqr from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker a
petition of John Lang Rector of Assembly, which was here read and
leave given to bring in a Bill as prayed.
The Governour laid before this House the following Account,
Viz. An Account of money remitted to Mr Hyde for the purchasing
of Arms and Ammunition.