and his Successors Provided always That it shall and may be lawfull
for the Provincial Court to committ any Prisoners for Debt or for
any other Cause whatsoever to the Custody of the said Sheriff of
Ann Arundell County to be by him in the said Prison Detained ac-
cording to such Committment or to be remanded to any other Prison
as the Law or Nature of the case may require.
Provided always That this Act, or any herein Contained shall not
be Construed to give the said Provincial Court any Power or Juris-
diction Contrary to the true intent and meaning of An Act Entituled,
an Act for taking Special Bail in the severall Counties of this Prov-
ince upon Actions or Suites depending in his Majestys Provincial
Court and in the several County Courts of this Province against
which Sheriff or Sheriffs Actions or Prosecutions for the escape of
such Prisoners may be brought or Commenced as in any other
Case of Commitment and Escape according to Law.
And be it further Enacted That besides the Sum of five hundred
Pounds Current Money already appointed to be Expended for
Building a Prison for Ann Arundell County in and by the Act En-
titled, An Act for Emitting and making Current Ninety Thousand
Pounds Current Money of Maryland in Bills of Creditt a further
Sum not exceeding One thousand Pounds Current money shall be
laid out to purchase Convenient Ground as aforesaid and to build a
Goal thereon which Sum of One thousand Pounds or so much
thereof as shall be necessary for the Purposes aforesaid shall be paid
by the Commissioners or Trustees for Emitting the Bills of Credit
and their Successors and as well the said Sum of five hundred Pounds
as the said further Sum of one thousand Pounds shall be paid to the
Orders of the Commissioners aforesaid or the Majority of them.
Lib. B. L. C