Chap. V
1732, ch. 8]
p. 146
An Act for Continuing an Act of Assembly of this Province En-
tituled an Act to prevent Cutting up Tobacco Plants destroying
of Tobacco and Tobacco Houses and for ascertaining the Punish-
ment of Criminals Guilty of the said offences.
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships Governour and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority of
the same that the above mentioned Act Entituled an Act to prevent
Cutting up Tobacco Plants destroying of Tobacco and Tobacco
Houses and for ascertaining the Punishment of Criminals Guilty
of the said offences made at a Session of Assembly begun and held
at the City of Annapolis the Eleventh Day of July Anno Domini
One Thousand Seven hundred and thirty two be and is hereby re-
vived and Continued to be and remain in full force for and During the
Term of three years from the End of this Session of Assembly and
to the End of the next Session of Assembly which shall happen after
the said three Years.
Chap. V:
p. 146
An Act for Building a Publick Goal in Annapolis.
Whereas it is necessary to build a Public Goal in the City of An-
napolis, with such Conveniencies as may render Confinement less
grievous, as well as secure Prisoners: Be it therefore Enacted, by the
Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by and with the Advice and
Consent of his Lordship's Governour and the Upper and Lower
Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the same that the Hon-
ourable Colonel Charles Hammond, of the Upper House, Master
Philip Hammond, Master Vachel Denton, Daniel Dulany Esquire
and Master Richard Warfield, or the Major Part of them shall be
Commissioners and are authorized and impowered by Virtue of this
Act, to purchase, for the Use of the Public, a Convenient Piece of
Ground within the City of Annapolis, whereon to build a Publick
Goal and to agree for Materials, and with Workmen to Complete
and finish the said Prison which Prison when so built and finished
shall by the said Commissioners be put into the Possession of the
Sheriff of Ann. Arundell County for the time being and so shall
remain and Continue in the Custody and Possession of such Sheriff