The following Messuage Sent to the Upr House by Col Dashiels
and Captn Gordon with the Journal of Accounts Viz. [See page
Col Hammond from the Upr House Delivers Mr Speaker the
paper Bill Entituled an Act Supplementary to the Act Entituled
an Act for the Tryall of all Matters of fact in the Countys where
they have arisen or shall arise &c. And the paper Bill Entituled an
Act for Enlargeing the time for Shipping Tobacco this present
year. Severally Indorsed by the Upr House of Assembly May 5th
1736. The Ingrossed Bill whereof this is the Originall is read and
Assented to.
Signed p order J Ross G Upper House.
Col Gale from the Committee appointed to Inspect the accounts
and proceedings of the Commissioners of the Paper Currency de-
livers Mr Speaker the following Report. [See page 433.]