to the Representatives of the Severall Countys the Sum of five hun-
dred Pounds Each all Severally Indorsed.
By the Upper House of Assembly April 23rd 1736.
Read the Second time and will pass.
Signed p order. J Ross Ci. Upper House.
Mr Dulany Col Gale Mr Hammond Mr Key and Mr Denton Ap-
pointed a Committee to Enquire into former proceedings of this
House Relating to the passing of Bills and to make The Report to
the House On Motion leave Given to Bring in a Bill to Restrain the
Ill practice of Sheriffs, Michael Howard Esqr from the Upr House
Delivers Mr Speaker the Bill Entituled An Act for Building a publick
Goal in Annapolis Indorsed read the second time and will pass, the
word less Grievous being Incerted instead of Tolerable.
The House Adjourns Untill to morrow morning g of the Clock.