On Leave given a Bill Entituled an Act to Cut of the Entail of a
Tract of Land lying in Dorchester County Called Andertons Point
Containing 108 Acres and to Entail in Lieu thereof in acres of
land lying in the said County being part of a Tract Called Richard-
son's Choice brought in and read the first time and ordered to lye
on the Table.
On Leave given a Bill Entituled an Act Relateing to the placeing
and building a Prison in Somerset County Brought in and read the
first time and ordered to Lye on the Table.
On Leave given a Bill Entituled an Act for building a Publick
Goal in Annapolis Brought in and read the first time and ordered
to Lye on the Table.
On leave Given a Bill Entituled an Act for Erecting a Town in
Kent County on the South Side of Sassafras River on a Tract of
Land Called Tolchester at the place where the ferry is now Kept
Brought in and read the first time and ordered to lye on the Table.
On Leave Given a Bill Entituled an Act for the further Assess-
ment of Twenty Thousand pounds of Tobacco on the Taxable In-
habitants of Durham Parish in Charles County to be Applyed to
the finishing of a new Church in the said Parish already begun to be
built brought in read the first time and ordered to lye on the Table.
On Leave Given a Bill Entituled an Act reviving and Continuing
an Act of Assembly of this Province Entituled an Act for the
Better relief of Poore Debtors Brought in read the first time and
ordered to lye on the Table.
Mr Dulany a representative of Ann Arundell County Appeared
In the House this afternoon.
The House Adjourns