April 21st 1736. Post Meridiem.
The House met according to adjournment. Collo Henson and
Major Sprigg sent to acquaint his Excellency This House hath pre-
pared an Address to him and desires to know when and where he
will Receive the same, They Return and Acquaint Mr Speaker the
Govr will be ready immediately to Receive the Address in the Con-
ferance Chamber.
Collo Hanson and 12 more sent to Attend his Excellency with the
On leave given a Bill Entituled an Act for the further Assessment
of so much Money on the Taxable Inhabitants of King and Queen
Parish in St Marys and Charles County's as will Build a New Church
in that Part of the Parrish which lyes in St. Mary's County for the
Repairing of the New Port Church in the Same Parrish and to Ap-
point a time for the Free holders to meet in Order to Choose a Place
to Build the said Church upon brought in read the first time and
ordered to lye on the Table.
On leave given a Bill Entituled an Act to Continue an Act Entituled
an Act for raising a duty of 3d p hogshead on all Tobacco Exported
out of this Province for the Uses therein mentioned brought in read
the first time and ordered to lye on the Table.
On leave given a Bill Entituled an Act Enableing the Commis-
sioners or Trustees of the Paper Currency Office to pay to the
Representatives of Severall Countys the Sum of five hundred pounds
Each Brought in Read the first time and Ordered to lye on the Table.