5. A Supplementary Act to the Act Entituled an Act to Encourage
Adventurers in Iron Works
6. An Act to cut off the Entail of a Tract of Land containing One
hundred & thirty Acres lying in Dorchester County being Part of a
Tract of Land called Goodridges Choice and to Entail in Lieu thereof
a tract of Land called the Hope containing fifty Acres also another
Tract called the Addition to the Hope containing One hundred and
seventeen Acres both lying in the said County of Dorchester.
7. An Act to adjourn the Courts of Assize Nisi prius and Goal
Delivery Provincial Court and to continue the Process and Proceed-
ings in some of the County Courts within this Province and to En-
large the time for taking out Executions severally thus subscribed
3d April 1736
Read and assented to by the Lower house of Assembly
Signed p Order M Macnemara Cl Lo Ho.
Which were severally read and assented to by this House and
ordered to be so subscribed the Paper Bills so Endorsed are sent by
Col Ward
A Bill from the Lower house by Mrs Hemsley & Trippe Entituled
an Act to prevent the false packing of Tobacco and concerning the
Tare of Tobacco hogsheads thus Endorsed
By the Lower house of Assembly 26 March 1736
Read the first time & Ordered to lye on the Table
Signed p Order M Macnemara Cl Lo H.