342 Assembly Proceedings, March 19, 1735/6- April 10, 1736.
U. H. J.
the Current money collected by them for Rents deliver to Each
other such Quantities thereof as shall exceed by fifty p Cent the
sterling sums so raised by the Tax upon the hogsheads shipt out of
their said several Counties which money so delivered to Each other
they shall pay and issue by regular Proportions thereof at fifty p Cent
Advance upon the sterling Tax so laid upon the hogshead to Every
Inhabitant or Other Person within their said Several Counties who
shall appear to have shipt Tobacco by such Manifest so to be made out
as is before directed; And it is apprehended that it may be issued out
to the People as a Satisfaction for the Tax upon their hogsheads at
the same Advance upon such Sterling Tax as it is paid by them upon
the sterling money due for their Quit Rents, because it may be pre-
p. 39
sumed the Country will be able to collect the Rents with as little
Expence as the said Lord Proprietary and that the Lord Proprietary
will insist upon no Other satisfaction than such a sum as may appear
to be the Neat Amount of his Yearly Income for his Rents all man-
ner of Charges attending the Collection and absolute Insufficiencies
The Manner that the Persons appointed to collect the Rents shall
account with the Country, the time of the Peoples paying the Rents,
the time of the moneys being issued to the People as a Satisfaction for
the Tax upon their hogsheads and other Requisites that do not appear
real Obstructions to the Scheme are for Brevity Sake omitted as they
can be at any time considered, after it is known whether the Scheme
it self be approved of by the Lord Proprietary
It is further proposed that all Officers fees payable in Tobacco ac-
cording to his Lordships Regulation in Council may be paid by the
Inhabitants and Others at or before the tenth of April Yearly at the
Rate of Twelve Shillings and six Pence p hundred in Bills of Credit
and if not paid by that Time that then the Persons indebted to them
for fees pay Tobacco
Philip Hammond Rd Francis M. T. Ward
William Stoughton Hen: Hooper Philip Lee
Robert King Jos: George
Seven Engrossed Bills from the Lower house by Mrs Denton and
Tilghman One Entituled an Act to continue an Act for raising a Duty
of three Pence p hhd on all Tobo exported out of this Province for
the Uses therein mentioned
2d An Act relating to the placing and building a Prison in Som-
erset County
p. 40
3d An Act for erecting a Town in Cecil County on the North side
of Sassafras River at a Place known by the name of Peningtons
point on the Tracts of Land called Buntington and happy Harbour
4. An Act reviving and continuing an Act of Assembly of this
Province Entituled an Act for the better Relief of poor Debtors.