Who make Choice of the honourable Matthew Tilghman Ward
Esqr their Chairman, and also of Thomas Lynn their Clerk
Your Conferees having taken into their Consideration the State of
the Paper Currency and debated and considered of such Ways and
Means for the Advancement of the Credit thereof as hath occurred
to them, and being of Opinion that the best way to raise the Credit
of it is by makeing it more useful to do humbly propose that the Quit
Rents due to the Lord Proprietary and all Officers fees which are
payable in Tobacco be paid in that Specie after the following manner
Proposed That a reasonable Satisfaction be paid the Lord Pro-
prietary for his Quit Rents in Sterling money by a Tax upon To-
bacco, and that the Country agree with him for the said Satisfaction,
and in Case of any Deficiency the same be made good by proper Ster-
ling Funds
That the Lord Proprietary grant the Collection of the Rents to the
Country which shall be paid by the Inhabitants in Paper Money at
fifty p Cent Advance upon the Sterling Sums due for such Rents and
that a Person be appointed in Each County to collect the same
That proper Measures be taken to oblige the Masters of Ships to
return to the several Naval Officers very exact Manifests of their