p. 573
An Ingrossed Bill Entituled an Act to Aid the Defect in the Cer-
tificate of Acknowledgment of a certain Deed of Conveyance between
William Pile and Elizabeth his Wife to Thomas Marshall &c.
An Ingrossed Bill Entituled an Act reviving and Continuing the
Acts therein Mentioned, An Ingrossed Bill Entituled an Act reviving
& Continuing An Act for relief of Prisoners for Debt, An Ingrossed
Bill Entituled an Act Repealing an Act Entituled an Act Against
Ingrossers and regrators Severally read and Assented to and sent to
the Upper House with the Paper Bills by Col Gale and Mr Tilghman.
Benjamin Tasker Escf from the Upper House Delivers Mr Speaker
the Bill Entituled an Act to prevent Injuring Harbours &c. Indorsed.
Read the 2d time and with the following Amendments will pass be-
tween the words Act And on in the 8th Line of 3d Page Insert the
following words for which Copy the said Naval Officer shall be
allowed Ten Shillings in the Publick Levy which Amendment is
agreed to by this House, And the Bill passed for Ingrossing.
Mr Dulany brings in the following Address Viz.
To His Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governour of Maryland.
The Humble Address of the Lower House of Assembly
May it please your Excellency
We most greatfully Acknowledge that the Late Revenue Bill,
whereby the Right Honourable the Lord Propty Condescended to
Accept of a Duty on Tobacco in Lieu of his Quit Rents, And Aliena-
tion Fines, and of Which his Lordship and Your Excellency on His
Lordships behalf at your first coming to this Government, were
pleased to offer a Continuance, was a very great Ease And Advan-
tage to the Inhabitants of this Province and that the Discontinuance