for the Defence of this Province and with the following Amendmts
will pass, after the Word of in 12th Line to the word Assembly in
14th Line to be left out and the following inserted for the purchasing
Arms & Ammunition, for the Maintaining a Magazine for the better
defence of this Province and for the due preservation thereof, and
paid to the Treasurer or Treasurers of this Province for the time
being to be disposed of to the Uses afsd as the Governour & Council
for the Time being shall direct
Signed p order John Ross Cl. Up. Ho.
Sent to the Lower House with the following Message by Mil
Howard Esqr
By the Upper House of Assembly 16th April 1735
Having sent you the Bill for raising 3d p hhd for purchasing
Arms & Ammunition with an Amendmt which is absolutely necessary
to prevent confounding the Legislative Part of our Constitution
with the Executive part of it, we think it incumbent on us to Express
ourselves so fully and clearly upon that Head as may if possible
prevent all mistakes and Misunderstandings between the two houses
about things of this Nature which we shall always endeavour to
avoid as far as lies in our power
All mony raised by the Parliament of Great Brittain is constantly