Trustees are hereby required to cause their Attorney to enter, in
due Form of Law, in the County Court where the Mortgager or
Obligor shall reside, if such County Court can hold Plea thereof, if
not, in the Provincial Court, against such Mortgager or Obligor as
shall make Default in the Payment of the Mortgage Money, or the
Interest thereon due, or any Part thereof, according to the Direc-
tions of this Act, and Times of Payment, specified in the Proviso
contained in his or her Mortgage Deed, or in the Condition of any
such Bond or Obligation, either in Actions of Ejectment, to gain
the Possession of the mortgaged Premises, or in Actions of Debt,
to be brought upon any of the said Bonds, for Non-performance of
the Conditions thereof, or in such Actions of Debt as the said Com-
missioners or Trustees are hereby required to bring, for the Value
of the Bills of Credit which shall be received by the Mortgagers,
whose Title to the Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, by them
mortgaged, shall prove defective, together with the Interest hereby
allowed upon such Loans, and Costs of Suit: And the said Clerk
shall also insert a Release of Errors, in every of the said Warrants
of Attorney; and for the said Bonds, Warrants of Attorney, and
Release of Errors, the said Clerk shall have' One Shilling, and no
more. But before any Person, so chosen to be Clerk, shall enter
upon the Execution of his said Office, he shall take an Oath before
some Justice of the Peace of Maryland, who is hereby impowered
and required to administer the same, in these Words :
I A. B. do swear, That I will truly and faithfully perform and
execute the Office and Duty that is directed and required of me,
according to a Law of this Province, intituled, An Act for emitting
and making current Ninety Thousand Pounds, in Bills of Credit;
and that I will keep a just and true Account of the Names of all such
Persons as shall apply to the said Office for Bills of Credit; and that
I will keep a just and true Account of all the Bills of Credit, which
shall be issued out of the said Office, and all other necessary Ac-
counts relating to the said Bills of Credit; and true Entries make
of all other Proceedings and Transactions of the Commissioners
or Trustees appointed to put the said Act in Execution; and will
prepare and record all Deeds of Mortgage, in the same Order of
Time as their Applications shall be made, without any undue Pref-
erence, unnecessary Delays, or fraudulent Practice whatsoever. So
help me God.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the
said Sums of Money to be so lent upon Mortgage, Bond, or other
Security, shall be paid in again, with the Annual Interest, in the
said Bills of Credit, or in current Money of America, that is to say,
the Principal, at such Times, and in such Proportions, as the Com-