Sum to be borrowed, every Year: And the said Commissioners or
Trustees shall indorse the Payment of the Principal and Interest on
every Mortgage that shall be discharged; which Indorsement shall,
without any Reconveyance, reinvest the Mortgagor, or his Heirs,
in his, or their former Estate. And for the better Security of
Mortgagers, and Obligors,
Be it Enacted, by the Authority. Advice, and Consent aforesaid.
That when any Mortgager shall satisfy all the Money, in Bills of
Credit, or Specie, for Principal and Interest, due from him or her,
upon any Mortgage, the Mortgage Deed shall not only be delivered
up, with a Discharge thereon, as herein before mentioned, but the
said Commissioners or Trustees shall also enter a Vacate in the
Margin of the Record of Such Mortgage, and cross the same: And
that when and as often as any Money shall be paid, in Bills of Credit,
or Specie, in Part of or towards the Payment and Satisfaction of
any Money due upon any Mortgage or Bond, the Commissioners
or Trustees shall indorse such Payment, and the Time when it shall
be made, on such Mortgage or Bond; and make Entries or Notes
thereof, in the Book or Books where such Mortgage shall be
And be it further Enacted, that the said Commissioners or Trus-
tees are hereby impowered and required, to lend any of the said
Bills of Credit which shall be paid in by any Borrower or Borrowers,
and which shall not be actually applyed in defraying the necessary
Charges of emitting the said Bills of Credit, or otherwise, according
to the Directions of this Act, upon Interest, as herein before ex-
pressed; to be repaid, with the Interest thereof, as herein directed.
Provided always, That if any Part of the said Ninety Thousand
Pounds be remaining in the said Office, at the End of One Year
after this Act shall take Effect, more than shall be necessary to
defray the Expences and Charges of the Office, and to answer the
several Demands, Sums, and Purposes, herein before mentioned,
that then, and in such Case, it shall and may be lawful for the said
Commissioners or Trustees, to purchase good Bills of Exchange
with so much of the said Bills of Credit as shall not afterwards be
taken out, or borrowed upon Interest, as herein before mentioned,
allowing One Hundred and Thirty Three Pounds, Six Shillings,
and Eight Pence, in the said Bills of Credit, for One Hundred
Pounds Sterling, payable by Bills of Exchange; and proportionally
for any other Sum: Which Bills of Exchange shall be remitted, by
the said Commissioners or Trustees, to the Trustees in London,
hereafter named, or other Persons there, who shall take upon them
the Execution of the said Trust; to be negotiated in the same
Manner, to the same Use and Purposes, and upon the same Terms,
as the Duty on Tobacco, hereafter mentioned.
Provided, always, and be it further Enacted, That until some
Default shall be made, by the said respective Mortgagers, of or in