Trustees, or some of them, in Presence of Two or more credible
Witnesses, and proved or acknowledged before any Justice of the
Peace in this Province, shall be fairly entred, at the Charge of
the Mortgagers, in large Books to be for that Purpose provided and
kept by the said Commissioners or Trustees, as herein after directed ;
an attested Copy of the said Deeds so entered and certified, under the
Hands of the said Commissioners or Trustees, for the Time being,
or any Two of them, shall be, and is hereby declared to be a Matter
of Record, and shall be good Evidence to prove the Sale or Mort-
gage thereby mentioned to be made: And the said Commissioners
or Trustees shall, at the proper Cost and Charge of this Province,
provide the said Books, of Royal or other large, good Paper, well
bound and covered, wherein shall be recorded all the said Deeds of
Mortgage, given in Security for the said Bills of Credit, to be lent
out as aforesaid; and also all other Books, Paper, Parchment, Ink,
Wax, and Wafers, printed Bills, Offices, either by hiring or build-
ing, for the Benefit of the Publick, and this Trust, and other neces-
sary Conveniencies, for putting this Act in Execution: And for the
more regular Management of the Affairs relating to the said Trust,
the Commissioners or Trustees are hereby impowered to chose and
employ a fit and able Person, who shall give sufficient Security, in
the Penalty of One Thousand Pounds Current Money of Maryland,
payable to the Lord Proprietary, for the faithful Discharge of his
Duty, to serve them as a Book-keeper and Clerk, to keep the Books
of Account of all their Transactions, and as a Clerk of the said Com-
missioners or Trustees, during their Pleasure; who shall have a
Salary of One Hundred Pounds current Money, for the first Year,
and Eighty Pounds afterwards per Annum, so long as he shall
continue in his Office, and in Proportion for a less Time than a
Year, to be paid in the said Bills of Credit; and shall have and re-
ceive, for recording every one of the said Deeds, the Sum of Three
Shillings; and for every attested Copy thereof, Three Shillings,
and no more; and for every Mortgage Deed that he draws, the Sum
of Four Shillings, and no more; which said Sums are to be paid by
the Mortgager, his Heirs, Executors, or Administrators, in full
Satisfaction of all Fees and Charges demandable by the said Clerk,
for drawing, ingrossing, and recording the said Deeds; and the said
Clerk shall also prepare a Bond, of double the Mortgage Money,
for every Mortgager to execute, along with their respective Deeds
of Mortgage, conditioned for the Payment of the Money borrowed,
with the Interest, according to the Proviso or Condition contained
in every such Deed of Mortgage; and shall also prepare a Warrant
of Attorney, to be at the same Time signed and sealed by every
Mortgager or Obligor, impowering such Person or Persons, as the
Commissioners or Trustees shall nominate and appoint, to acknowl-
edge or suffer Judgment; which they the said Commissioners or
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