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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 51   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 51

tioned after the first payment due & payable as afforesaid before one
whole year be expired then such person or persons or their or his
Executor or Administrator to be accountable only for such part &
portion of the afforesaid sum or summs of money or tobacco as the
space of time between the preceding time of payment & the time of
such his or their Resignation dismission or death shall appear to
be justly due & the remaining part of that years due to be made good
at the time of payment afforesaid by such person or persons as shall
be initiated into such vacant office or offices as afforesaid, for which
said severall summs su collected & paid as afforesaid the said Treas-
urers shall be accountable to the next Assembly to be by them disposed
on towards the defraying of publick charges as to them shall seem
meet, for the collection whereoff the Sheriff of each County for so
much as he shall collect shall have five pounds of tobacco per centum
out of the same & no more. And to the end the said Treasurers may
be duely informed who are the Officers in each respective County
under the Cognizance of this Act, Be it therefore Enacted by the
Authority afforesaid that the severall & respective Clerkes of the
severali & respective Counties doe sometime before the last day of
September yearly & every year returne to the said Treasurers an
account of what Officers are dwelling or Resideing in their said
Counties or otherwise practiseing or officiateing therein under the
penalty of two thousand pounds of tobacco for every default that is
to say the Respective Clerkes of St. Maryes, Charles, Calvert, Ann
Arrundell, & Balltimore to Mr Thomas Tasker, Treasurer for the
Western side, & the Clerkes of Talbot, Kent, Coecil, Dorchester, &
Somersett to Major Whittington Treasurer for the Eastern side
this act to endure for three years or to the end of the next Session of
Assembly which shall first happen.


C. O. 5,

Vol. 731.


An act for the laying an Imposition upon Negroes Slaves & White
servants Imported into this Province.

Forasmuch as this gennerall Assembly are deeply sensible of the
great charge the Country is at for the building a State house &
defraying of other publick dues & duties & being desirous of easing
the burthen under which at present the good people of this Province
groane have taken into their consideration that it might be of great
advantage in order thereunto that an Impost were laid upon Ser-
vants & Slaves imported into this Province Be it therefore Enacted
by the King & Queens most Excellent Majesties by & with the advice
& consent of this present gennerall Assembly & the Authority of the
same that from & after the publication hereoff, All Masters of Shipps
& other Vessells importing servants into this Province, at the time of
their entry pay unto the Navall Officer for the time being properly
belonging to such port & place where such Entry shall be made as
afforesaid the sum of two shillings & sixpence sterling per pole on
penalty & forfeiture in case of non payment or refusall to pay the said

Acts of
May, 1695,
ch. 9

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 51   View pdf image (33K)
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