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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 50   View pdf image (33K)
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50 Assembly Proceedings, 1694-1728.

C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,

waies & means they may possibly prevent so great an evill, towards
the effecting whereof it hath been humbly proposed that a certain
sum of money or tobacco to be paid & deposited as in this Act is
hereafter mentioned & expressed by every officer bearing any place
or office of profit according to the proffitts & perquisites of his office
within this Province would be a great ease benefitt & satisfaction to
the good people of this Province inhabiting & resideing within the
same & be a means to prevent freemen & other persons unintrested
therein from deserting the Province as afforesaid, it is therefore
humbly prayed that it may be enacted & be it Enacted by the King
& Queens most Excellent Majesties by & with the advice & consent
of this present general Assembly & the Authority of the same that
the severall Officers enjoying or possessing any place or office of
proffit within this Province as afforesaid, shall pay & deposite for
the use of the Publick the severall & respective sums following that
is to say the Commissary gennerall the sum of three thousand pounds
of tobacco per annum, The Keeper of the great Seale two thousand
pounds of tobacco per annum, the Sheriff of each respective Countie
two pounds of tobacco per pole for every tythable person within his
County yearly, the Clerk of each respective County two pounds of
tobacco per pole yearly for every tythable person within their County
as afforesaid, The Attorny Gennerall one thousand six hundred
pounds of tobacco per annum, every Attorney practiseing in the
Provinciall Court the Sum of twelve hundred pounds of tobacco
per annum & every Soliciter belonging to the said Court the sum of
eight hundred pounds of tobacco per annum, the Clerke of the Assem-
bly four hundred pounds of tobacco per annum, the Clerke of the
Provinciall Court the sum of four hundred pounds of tobacco per
annum, every Coroner One hundred pounds of tobacco per annum,
every deputy Commissary the sum of four hundred pounds of
tobacco per annum, each Clerke of Indictments two hundred pounds
of tobacco per annum, The Surveyor gennerall of Lands for the
King eight hundred pounds of tobacco per annum, every deputy
Surveyor of Lands for the King one hundred pounds of tobacco per
annum, the Clerke of the Councel four hundred pounds of tobacco per
annum, Every Navall Officer the tenth part of the perquisits of
his place, the Receiver gennerall of this Province for the King the
sum of twelve hundred pounds of tobacco per annum, the two treas-
urers of this Province each four hundred pounds of tobacco per
annum, Every Attorney practiseing in the County Courts two
hundred pounds of tobacco per annum which said severall sums of
money & tobacco shall yearly & every year after the publication
hereoff be paid unto the Treasurers of this Province for the time
being sometime between the tenth day of October & the tenth of
Jannuary then next following to be recovered in case of non payment
by action of debt in any Court of Reccord within this Province & in
case of the death or removall of any of the Officers in this Act men-

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 50   View pdf image (33K)
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