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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 52   View pdf image (33K)
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52 Assembly Proceedings, 1694-1728.

C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,

tax the sum of twenty shillings sterling per pole for every Servant
by such Master concealled or unpaid for as afforesaid to be recovered
by action of Debt, Bill plaint or Information in any Court of Reccord
within this Province wherein no Essoine Protection or wager of law
to be allowed.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority afforesaid, by &
with the advice & consent afforesaid that for every Negro imported
into this Province either by land or by water & exposed for sale
within three months after arrivall within this Province the Vendor
or Vendors shall pay unto the Navall Officer as afforesaid the sum
of ten shillings sterling for pole on penalty & forfeiture of five
pounds sterling per pole for every negro by them imported & kept
back or unaccounted for as afforesaid To be collected & gathered
deposited & accounted for to the use intent & purpose & in such
method & manner as in the act for the Impost of four pence per
gallon made at a Session of Assembly begun & held at the Citty of
St. Maryes the one & twentyeth day of September in the year of
our Lord one thousand six hundred ninety four is therein mentioned
& express'd any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstand-
ing, this act to endure for three yeares or to the end of the next
Session of Assembly which shall first happen.

Acts of
May, 1695,
ch. 12

An Act for the assessing of three pence a hogshead upon tobacco
towards the defraying of the public charge of this Province.

Whereas the present necessity of the Province requires farr greater
disbursements towards the defraying of the publick charge then
what the present Impositions levied & assessed now being in the hands
of the Treasurers of this Province will discount it is therefore
humbly prayed that it may be enacted & be it Enacted by the King &
Queens most Excellent Majesties by & with the advice & consent of
this present gennerall Assembly & the Authority of the same that
from & after the two & twentieth day of May instant all Masters of
Shipps or other Vessells now actually being or tradeing within this
Province or that shall be or trade within the same (that is to say)
from the end of the two & twentieth day of May instant afforesaid for
& dureing the full terme or time of one whole year next ensueing, pay
unto our Sovereign Lord & Lady the King & Queen their heirs &
successors for the use of the publick, the sum of three pence sterling
for every hogshead or quantity of a hogshead of tobacco in such his
or their Ship or Vessell by him or them exported, for the collecting
& gathering whereoff the severall & respective Navall Officers within
this Province shall take good & sufficient security for the payment
of the same, & render an account thereoff to Mr Thomas Tasker one
of the Treasurers of this Province for the time being to be disposed
of in such method & Manner as this present Gennerall Assembly shall
think fitt, this Act to be in force for & during the tearme & time

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 52   View pdf image (33K)
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