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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 49   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 49

And be it further Enacted by the Authority afforesaid by & with
the advice & consent afforesaid, that no master or other owner of any
negro or negroes Slaves as afforesaid haveing quarters or out Plan-
tations seated more then his proper seat of residence shall suffer them
to pass or repass from plantacon to plantacon upon any pretext what-
soever, one at a plantation to be nominated & appointed by the Master
Owner or Overseer of such Negro as afforesaid only excepted, which
said Master or Owner or Overseer shall give unto such Negro a tickett
or certificate under his hand & scale wherein shall be certified that such
negro is permitted to pass & repass from his seat of residence to his
quarter who upon his examination produceing his certificate, & being
not found either out of the way or neglecting his Masters service
it shall & may be lawfull to proceed on his way in order to the dis-
patch of his Masters affaires without being further impeaded or
retarded, but in case such Master or other owner shall wittingly or
willingly suffer such negro to pass from his seat of residence to his
quarter as afforesaid or overseer of any quarter that shall wittingly
or willingly permitt any negro under his charge to goe to his Masters
seat as afforesaid not haveing a pass as afforesaid being convict
thereoff shall be fined two hundred pounds of tobacco for the use of
the parish wherein such Master owner or overseer shall reside. And
be it further Enacted by the Authority afforesaid by & with the advice
& consent afforesaid, that whereas many negroes absent themselves
from their Masters service & runn out into the woods & there remaine
killing & destroying of hoggs & cattle belonging unto the people of
this Province if that such negro or negroes so outlying as afforesaid
shall refuse to surrender themselves makeing resistance against such
persons as persue to apprehend & take them upp being thereunto
Legally impowered it shall be lawfull to & for such persuers upon
such resistance made to shoot kill & destroy such negro or negroes
as afforesaid. And be it further Enacted by the Authority affore-
said by & with the advice & consent afforesaid that the vestry of each
parish take care & order that this act be published in their severall
parish Churches four times in every year dureing the continuance
of the same, this act to continue for three years or to the end of the
next Session of Assembly which shall first happen.

C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,

An Act for the Raiseing a Supply towards the defraying the Publick
charge of this Province.

Forasmuch as it hath been represented to this generall Assembly
that the great & heavie charge attending the Publick gives dayly
occasion to the Inhabitants of this Province whose interest in the
same compells them not therein to continue & remaine but quitt the
government which casts the burthen wholly on such whose com-
petency or fortune oblidges to abide therein & renders the same insup-
portable, & for that the Burgesses & Delegates of this present gen-
erall Assembly have taken into their serious consideracon by what

Acts of 1695,
ch. 8

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 49   View pdf image (33K)
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